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iTunes strange iPad-PC synchronization


iPF Noob
Hi all,
I have downloaded on my iPad 2 (4.3.1) many lessons from the iTunes University (really great videos on physics and astrophysics I really recommend to everybody!). After the download task, in the video library there were something like 53 videos for about 11GB of data.

Then came the time to sync my iPad in order to save the videos somewhere else than my only device and then came the strange thing: iTunes downloaded all the movies under the folder in my PC (took something like 50 minutes to do it!) and deleted the videos from the iPad!

So I needed to re-synchronize the iPad again and after another hour or so, the videos were back again on the iPad too.

Is this the normal behavior of the video synchronization? Why did it took so much time? Was it converting the videos into mp4 (this is the format of the videos in the iTunes directory on my PC)?

Thank you for sharing your experience!
I'm sure our resident iTunes sync expert, twerppoet, will be able to help with this question. Those UTunes videos are great!! All that educational material available from the best Universities in the world and most all of it free. Apple should make more of this great resource.


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