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itunes sync newbie question


iPF Noob
Hi all, new to forum and ipad. I just bought a used ipad with apps, movies, music already installed.

If I sync to MY itunes acct, will those go away or will they become part of my account?

Yes, if you sync or update your iPad, they will go away.

Those apps belong to the original owner and are tied to their account. There is no way for them to transfer them to you. At least no legal way, since there is no provisions to transfer the rights. I believe Apple's terms of service even prohibit the transfer of rights or accounts to second parties. I should look up that clause some day.
Before when I would connect my ipad to Itunes it would go ahead and sync....now it wont why is that? I don't even have the section devise showing the name ofmy ipad on the left hand side
Before when I would connect my ipad to Itunes it would go ahead and sync....now it wont why is that? I don't even have the section devise showing the name ofmy ipad on the left hand side

Things to try:

Try a soft reset on the iPad.

Reboot the computer.

If you have a second computer, see if it recognizes the iPad (Don't Sync!). You may have bad USB port.

If you have a second cord for the iPad (like for an iPod Touch or iPhone) give that a try, maybe the cable is bad.

And if none of that helps, call Apple's Tech Support.
twerppoet said:
Things to try:

Try a soft reset on the iPad.

Reboot the computer.

If you have a second computer, see if it recognizes the iPad (Don't Sync!). You may have bad USB port.

If you have a second cord for the iPad (like for an iPod Touch or iPhone) give that a try, maybe the cable is bad.

And if none of that helps, call Apple's Tech Support.

Why do u say don't sync? It will erase everything I have on my ipad now? Its weird cause when I connect to compter it makes the noise and the pop up comes on the computer (camera connected) but my device wont show up on left side of itunes, I reset the computer as well as re ipad and tried both usb ports and the same....im updating itunes on my second laptop and gonna try that then....calling apple will prolly be my last resort don't feeli like sitting and waiting on phone
Ok I googled it and it's a pretty common issue, some people have said they have to uninstall it then re install it and it works for like a day then it won't detect the devise again.....hope its gonna work after it finishes reinstalling iTunes
Good luck. Afraid I don't have any other ideas. Though it I were you I'd really have called Apple support first. But then again, I have a huge iTunes library and don't want to go through the pain of moving it to a new computer.
twerppoet said:
Good luck. Afraid I don't have any other ideas. Though it I were you I'd really have called Apple support first. But then again, I have a huge iTunes library and don't want to go through the pain of moving it to a new computer.

Yea finally got one laptop to work, and it was the one that I didn't reinstall itunes on...weird I know
Good. Hope it stays fixed.

@execdec, did you get the answer you needed? I know it wasn't what you wanted to hear, and I feel for you. It has to be a major disappointment to find out something you thought you'd bought was only packaging.

I'd have strong words with whoever I bought it from if they implied that the apps and media were part of the deal.
Good. Hope it stays fixed.

@execdec, did you get the answer you needed? I know it wasn't what you wanted to hear, and I feel for you. It has to be a major disappointment to find out something you thought you'd bought was only packaging.

I'd have strong words with whoever I bought it from if they implied that the apps and media were part of the deal.

Thanks, I kinda thought that might be the case. Oh well, they were only a few apps and movies, nothing I can't get myself anyway. I believe I can just rip a dvd, them convert it to mp4, then upload into itunes then onto ipad? Just a guess...I'm new to this.
Yes, you can do that. I don't know if it is that simple, since I've never done it myself, but several forum members have. So if you end up needing help be sure to ask.
twerppoet said:
Yes, you can do that. I don't know if it is that simple, since I've never done it myself, but several forum members have. So if you end up needing help be sure to ask.

Could someone.please help me!? I have a thread in the help section labeled "help" and "restore ipad" im getting.no help what so ever
Could someone.please help me!? I have a thread in the help section labeled "help" and "restore ipad" im getting.no help what so ever

I've kind of noticed the the trail of pulled hair you've left throughout he forum today. If I'd had any advice I thought would help I'd have said it already. Still, I found your post and added the only, less than helpful, advice I have.

You have my sympathy.

Just remember, it's just a device. You can live without it, well, at least for a day or two. shouldn't be any worse than going without food and water.
twerppoet said:
I've kind of noticed the the trail of pulled hair you've left throughout he forum today. If I'd had any advice I thought would help I'd have said it already. Still, I found your post and added the only, less than helpful, advice I have.

You have my sympathy.

Just remember, it's just a device. You can live without it, well, at least for a day or two. shouldn't be any worse than going without food and water.

They'll prolly end up saying take it to the apple store (which will be a JOKE) ill have my ipad2 by then and wont even be able to sync that with everything I have on my ipad1 will I? Cord it be my usb cord messed up? I jut don't get how ny devise dissapears at the same part of the extracting software part the 3 times I tried it

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