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iTunes sync problem


iPF Noob
I am not an iPad enthusiast, but I got one. I use my iPad1 to read documents that's it. If I need productivity I use my not "A" pc. I should have wait for the Android . . . anyway.

But I have a question. I have purchased two apps but the iPad said use iTunes to sync them. The problem is that the original PC I registered my iPad it's gone so I had to install iTunes to a different laptop. When I try to connect iTunes said "your iPad will be formated" WTF!

Is there a way to sync and backup of all the books and purchased apps without formatting my iPad therefore losing everything? Why Apple is so disgusting to create such rubbish program?

If I known of this problems before hand I would give the finger to Apple.
When iTunes says it will erase your content it should also offer a choice to Transfer Purchases. Do that.

If it does not give you that option, cancel the dialog, right click on the iPad in the devices list (left column) and choose Transfer Purchases.

Also, in the iTunes Store menu, authorize your computer. Otherwise it will not be able to play the media you transferred from the iPad. Use the same Apple account you activated the iPad with.

It is a good idea to go into iTunes Preferences, the Devices tab, and turn off auto-sync. This will stop the iPad from trying to sync every time you plug it in.

Now, check your iTunes library to see if all your content and apps got saved. If so, go though all the different sync pages (links at top of page) and set things up the way you want. You should be safe to sync at that point.

I probably shouldn't address this part, but seriously, if you've got that big a chip on your shoulder about Apple, sell the iPad and go get an Android tablet. I've used both OS's, and I don't think the grass is particularly greener on either side of the fence, they both have their problems and strengths. (If I had the money I'd own one of everything, just because I like the shiny stuff.) But rather than be unhappy, go chew some cud on the other side. You'll either like it better, or not, but at least you'll be trying to be happy.

And iPads have excellent resale value.

BTW, welcome to the forum. I'm not trying to drive you away. I'd just rather you be a happy owner of something than an unhappy iPad owner.

Though you might give the iPad a bit longer to grow on you. It's been known to win over a convert or two. And the natives here are (most of the time) friendly. :)
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