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itunes sync problems (apps)


iPF Noob
Jun 17, 2010
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Everytime I want to sync & back up my ipad.... All my ipad 300+ apps on itunes getting loaded on the ipad, then I have to uncheck these apps to remove them.... Then It repeats itself...... FYI the ipad is JB, but this problem is from day 1, before the JB.... :confused:
in itunes select your iPad.
on the main info screen tell it to sync only checked songs/apps.
Then it will only send checked apps over instead of sending everything.
in itunes select your iPad.
on the main info screen tell it to sync only checked songs/apps.
Then it will only send checked apps over instead of sending everything.

Thanks for quick reply.....

I just checked the iTunes main screen, there is only
"sync only checked songs and videos"

I will try this tonight......

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