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Itunes Synch Issues with iPad1

The Kleaner

iPF Noob
Okay, here is my issue.

The wife had synched her iPad to iTunes last night no problems. This morning she synch's to install movies she converted last night and it was going slow so she cancelled ths synch (using the slider on the ipad) then disconnected and reconnected the ipad. Now it shows up in the left hand itunes column but doesnt show any subfolders and she gets a message "itunes does not recognize the iPad, please go to the summary page and restore". I tried it with the same result, then hooked up my iPad 2 and it works just fine.

Here is what I have tried so far:
1. powered down her ipad
2. reset the ipad
3. restarted itunes
4. restarted the PC

She has a 64gb iPad 1 that has been jb, mine is a 64gn iPad 2 that is bj as well.

I've serched these forums but nothing relevant popped out at me. Anyone else have this problem? I'd prefer not to have to restore her iPad as she finally has it configured the way she wants it but without being able to snych with itunes now she cant load the movies she wants to watch.

Well I reinstalled iTunes and now her iPad will synch but the movies she had on the iPad aren't there but the space is still used. As of right now, 23.3 gb of the capacity is consumed by "other".

I installed ifile on her iPad and the music is there it just won't show up in iPod on the iPad or in movies...

Looks like it's time to restore.

Other tends to clean itself up after a sync or two.

Try another reset, now that iTunes is recognizing the iPad again.

Reset: Hold down the power and home buttons until the Apple logo appears. The iPad will reboot. This usually takes a bit longer than a restart.

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