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Itunes using Paypal


iPF Noob

Still a newbie here, so sorry if this has been asked before. I tried searching and couldn't find anything.

I'm trying to link my Paypal account to iTunes, but am not able to do so. I clicked on Paypal under the iTunes account section, went through all the verification stuff with Paypal, then end up back in iTunes, but my payment status won't change to Paypal. It works fine with any other credit card or even "no credit card", but I just can't get the Paypal one to work.

Has anyone had any issues with this?

Please advise.

Thank you!!
Be VERY careful with ITunes and Paypal and how you set it up. My iTunes account was hacked and my checking account was cleaned out! Someone tried to buy over $4000 in poker game stuff. Check google for iTunes fraud...there are a lot of people this has happened to. My bank also told me the about 65% of there fraud cases are from iTunes. They suggested to only use iTunes gift cards for purchases.
Be VERY careful with ITunes and Paypal and how you set it up. My iTunes account was hacked and my checking account was cleaned out! Someone tried to buy over $4000 in poker game stuff. Check google for iTunes fraud...there are a lot of people this has happened to. My bank also told me the about 65% of there fraud cases are from iTunes. They suggested to only use iTunes gift cards for purchases.

It's not just PayPal, it happened (via iTunes) on my credit card. I got my money back but there were some anxious days while the bank decided whether to be nice about it or not.
It took about a week and a half for me to have any money back in my account. It was finally all resolved, but many anxious days for me too!
Now I pick which app I want to buy, use my credit card and immediately take my card number off and put the payment type back to none when I'm done.
You've got me worried now. I'm an ipad (apple) newcomer, and have been buying from the appstore. Is it suffering the same fraud as itunes? Ifs, how do I remove my payment details? I hanen' bought anything from itunes.
Whilst I appreciate a tiny minority of people have had problems, and fraud is a very serious and worrying issue, I think there is a real danger in this post-holiday period of scaremongering new users into not using iTunes...
I, like literally tens of millions of iTunes users, have never had a problem. I've been using iTunes for many years... Perspective is important. Whilst there have been some high profile cases, these are few and far between. If it was any more of a risk than any other site then you know the press and Apple would be all over it.
Whilst I appreciate a tiny minority of people have had problems, and fraud is a very serious and worrying issue, I think there is a real danger in this post-holiday period of scaremongering new users into not using iTunes...
I, like literally tens of millions of iTunes users, have never had a problem. I've been using iTunes for many years... Perspective is important. Whilst there have been some high profile cases, these are few and far between. If it was any more of a risk than any other site then you know the press and Apple would be all over it.

There was a reasonably widespread fraud on iTunes a few months ago. It involved thousands of dollars per account, I only found out when my bank contacted me and my card was maxed out. It was a relatively low limit account that I use for internet purchases. I did get the money back, but it was a very disturbing experience. It must have cost someone a lot of money.

I have removed my account number from my iTunes account and will only reinstate it for short periods when I want to make purchase. That way I can say that there was no justification for charging my account.
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Whilst I appreciate a tiny minority of people have had problems, and fraud is a very serious and worrying issue, I think there is a real danger in this post-holiday period of scaremongering new users into not using iTunes...
I, like literally tens of millions of iTunes users, have never had a problem. I've been using iTunes for many years... Perspective is important. Whilst there have been some high profile cases, these are few and far between. If it was any more of a risk than any other site then you know the press and Apple would be all over it.

Couldn't agree with you more. Using iTunes with a credit card is no more dangerous than with any other online retailer, and perhaps a bit safer. I've been using it for many years without a single issue. Yes, iTunes was hacked a while back and it affected a lot of people but it was a tiny percentage of users and not everyone as one post above intimated. I'd be more leary of that PayPal account than iTunes.
I was a victim also along with my friend only a month earlier.... so it does happen and it is safer to use the itunes gift cards. No worries then and they are everywhere. When mine was taken they got $700 in online purchases within 2hrs. before my bank shut the card down and contacted me. Luckily I got it all back and was able to provide some reference to the bank to locate the offender because of some automatic emails that were sent to my email address.
i had the same issue with pay pal.....I prefer purchasing iTunes gift cards and buying my apps that way, I think it will help cut down on buying so many. I have spent a lot on apps but I think I have the main ones I need for school,work and just daily life. boy do I love this thing!
Well I think if u where the one who got scammed $1000's of dollars you wouldn't be calling anyone scaremongering!!, take it from me, use gift cards &4328 later ,not fun to get scammed...

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