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iTunes Wireless Sync problem


iPF Noob
I've been trying to wireless sync my iPad 3 but it's not working. I have set both the iPad and iTunes to to wireless sync option but it's not working. Also I do have the iPad plugged into an outlet and both of them are on the same network. When I go into the settings>general>iTunes wifi sync the sync now button is greyed out. I've tried to search the forum but couldn't figure out what's wrong. Thanks for the help
This is most under-rated and under-appreciated problem since the iOS 5.0 update. So many moving parts and so little Apple help. Based on my experience, the firewall is the number one suspect; immediately followed by routers settings, assuming everything else has been properly set up.

Try to turn off the firewall, restart itunes, restart iPad, see if you can get it. if not, Google wifi sync failed or grayed out, you will see tons of threads.
Just trying to help .. If u have already done this ignore the reply...

1. Connect ur iPad through USB. And select the sync over wifi option .. Apply and come out ...
2. Remove the IPAD from USB.
3. Make sure ur iPad is connected over wifi.
4. Go to settings and general ..click sync now
5. Plug ur iPad to power source without fail.

Hope it will work

If it doesnt work ..
Check run iTunes on ur comp. check if ur seeing iPad in the devices tab.
If u see it fine .. Otherwise it means u r not on the same network
Right click it and do sync now ...
Hope it will start syncing now ..
if this happens first time . Form next time it will sync automatically

WiFi sync is a joke.

I used to have it working on all three of my devices. It was very slow and very shaky, with devices appearing and disappearing almost randomly at times.

Now though, none of my devices will even show up via WiFi any more. Nothing has changed and I've checked everything, all is configured properly and no firewalls are in use, it just doesn't work.

Given that all three devices stopped working simultaneously, I suspect the PC itself and, more specifically, iTunes. I think the only way I'd get it working again is to totally reinstall iTunes but frankly, I can't be bothered. I'll just stick to USB as it's faster and more reliable.
Totally agree with you. It hasn't worked well from day one for me. It's just easier for me to synch via the wire. It's probably my old Toshiba laptop but no money to replace so I have to put up with it.
WiFi sync is a joke.

I used to have it working on all three of my devices. It was very slow and very shaky, with devices appearing and disappearing almost randomly at times.

Now though, none of my devices will even show up via WiFi any more. Nothing has changed and I've checked everything, all is configured properly and no firewalls are in use, it just doesn't work.

Given that all three devices stopped working simultaneously, I suspect the PC itself and, more specifically, iTunes. I think the only way I'd get it working again is to totally reinstall iTunes but frankly, I can't be bothered. I'll just stick to USB as it's faster and more reliable.

Although I experienced the same problem as you and shared the same frustration, I must say that in your setting "SOMETHING" was indeed "CHANGED." And it is likely to be caused by streaming software or network-related stuff that prevent the firewall from behaving properly. I got mine to work beautifully but each time I added a new streaming server on my PC such as VLC Streamer, Air Display, AudioGalaxy, ServetoMe, the Sync is guaranteed to gray out. I had to go through the debugging all over again.

There are certain firewalls that the Sync won't like such as my AVG. No matter what I did, the AVG firewall simply won't work properly unless I completely shut it down, thus leaving my PC without protection. I switched to Comodo and it was far more flexible and I eventually solve the problem and get it to work for the first time. But then each time I did something, this feature is gone.

Someone else on Apple Support Forum says they had success with router setting change such as IGMP snooping or Upnp setting. I didn't touch those...

Debugging is painstakingly tedious. However, if you truly like this feature like I do, then you may wish to spend some time to tweak your firewall or router.

Like I said originally, this feature is very "un-Apply-like" since it is so un-user-friendly. It was widely reported all over the Internet since iOS 5.0 was first launched and the problem persisted till today and Apple still hasn't figured out a good way to allow the user to systematically solve the problem.

A lot of people commented that one must "click" the "sync with Wifi" option on the Summary Page in iTune. Although I understand that these folks were trying to help, but each time I read someone said something so stupid, it makes my eyes roll up.
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Wifi sync works for me. Seems to help if the two devices first get to know each other physically first which means connecting via a cable first. After that works well, then the wireless sync tends to work well.
AQ_OC said:
Wifi sync works for me. Seems to help if the two devices first get to know each other physically first which means connecting via a cable first. After that works well, then the wireless sync tends to work well.

I agree-I am performing a wifi sync right now with my iPad. I did the direct connection back in October when the iOS 5 was released-since than, I have only performed a wifi sync. Maybe my iPad has less apps and/or things that can impact the sync process, I don't know-but it has worked well for me!

I hope you guys can get it sorted out.
I only managed to sync my iPad 1 on the wifi only once, the first time after I downloaded the iOS 5 point something that allowed wifi syncing. Since then it has never worked and there fore always been using the wire. Infact when the wire is not connected the wifi sync switch us greyed out and only becomes functional when the wire is connected. But the 1st time the sync worked perfectly cause I remember doing it from the bed and the computer was on the table and I could see the process on the iTunes screen and the entire update happened without a wire connection
I've been able to sync my iPad 2 and 3 and iPhone 4 wirelessly. I usually don't have to plug them in (to the charger) when I manually start the sync in iTunes.
I own the 2tb time capsule airport base station. I don't know if that makes the syncing easier, certainly my technical ability is not why the wifi sync works.
I've been able to sync my iPad 2 and 3 and iPhone 4 wirelessly. I usually don't have to plug them in (to the charger) when I manually start the sync in iTunes.
I own the 2tb time capsule airport base station. I don't know if that makes the syncing easier, certainly my technical ability is not why the wifi sync works.

LOL. I appreciate your honesty. No, iPad doesn't sync with your time capsule, it sync with iTunes on your PC/Mac. But your time capsule does keeps a copy of your iTune.
I only managed to sync my iPad 1 on the wifi only once, the first time after I downloaded the iOS 5 point something that allowed wifi syncing. Since then it has never worked and there fore always been using the wire. Infact when the wire is not connected the wifi sync switch us greyed out and only becomes functional when the wire is connected. But the 1st time the sync worked perfectly cause I remember doing it from the bed and the computer was on the table and I could see the process on the iTunes screen and the entire update happened without a wire connection

Actually in your case you should have a good chance to get it back to work. Here are some tricks that I've gathered (excluding the ones that I've tried but didn't work according to Apple Support Forum).

Priorities as the following --

1. Disable all firewall and see if the problem is still there. Make sure you restart iTunes and disconnect iPad from the network and reconnect (This last step was really killing me since it was the single most important thing that cause the sporadic and seemingly random connection pattern. And it took me forever to find out on the forum.) If this works then it's your firewall itself or its setting that was causing the problem. In my case and in most cases reported in the forum, this was the reason.

2. Identify which application was causing the issue and configure your firewall accordingly. Some firewall (like my AVG) has limited configurability so I switched to Comodo and it even has a learned mode so I can experiment one by one.

3. Someone also suggested playing with your router. The two I knew people had successes were Upnp and IGMP snooping disabling. But I didn't bother to try them so good luck with that.
I have windows xp pc and and ipad3. Almost randomly I got the sync to work after trying loads of different things. I had to register the itunes on the pc using my apple id. I plugged the usb cable in between the pc and ipad and it started syncing. I then noticed there is an option on the windows itunes devices ipad to sync over wifi. Is that the issue for people who upgraded - the option was turned off?
No problems here. WiFi sync works fine each time. I use it for both my iPad3 and iPhone. Never had to change any settings in the network. You do have to activate the first time with a wired connection.

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