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iPF Noob
Mar 28, 2014
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I bought a new cd i inserted it in my computer it brought up iTunes added it to iTunes so I foolishly thought all I have to do now is sync! Since 11 this morning I have on and off tried syncing every time it syncs it says photos updated, or similar.
I have used my computer and my husbands which I previously ok'd i tried my ipad and my mini ipad. Plugged into the usb charger, also the computer.
I have previous music on both iPads. To be honest I always have trouble with iTunes I just don't "get it" I know it can be simple but I can't work out where I am going wrong. Also installed it on hubbies iTunes so now have it twice in iTunes but nothing on either pads.
Try to play one or a few of the songs using iTunes. If that's possible, it's imported, and you should be able to get it to your iPad.
You came ups trumps again ;-)
I went to the site added to home screen on the mini, then read as I was going along on ipad,went into summary under options turned off all the ticks except the 1st one then proceeded through all boxes I chose to go on, thought if I lost them it didn't really matter! Then apply then sync Magic, did it on both, great. So thought ur on a winner here,put another disc in and bingo it worked. Now the thing is to remember for the next time I buy a cd. Thanks again

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