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Jailbreak info needed please


iPF Noob
I am very tempted to jailbreak my iPad 2 5.1.1

Before Do this I would like to know if it's really worth doing it also are all apps which normally cost on the app store FREE
Things like tap the frog 2 , Michael Jackson experience, just to mention some I like.

I saw videos where someone had mario all stars and the sims 3 on there iPad to I would also like to do this.

Thank you

I am very tempted to jailbreak my iPad 2 5.1.1

Before Do this I would like to know if it's really worth doing it also are all apps which normally cost on the app store FREE
Things like tap the frog 2 , Michael Jackson experience, just to mention some I like.

I saw videos where someone had mario all stars and the sims 3 on there iPad to I would also like to do this.

Thank you


To find out about jail breaking, please see this link: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/2838-jailbreak-explained-new-updated-2011-a.html

Now, I believe it's really worth doing. Of course, everyone's opinion differs. Only the individual can decide whether or not to jailbreak.

However, I'm compelled to caution you. Jailbreaking the iPad (or any iDevice, for that matter) does NOT make App Store apps free (that are normally paid for). Jail breaking is a legal process - using the jail break to get paid-for apps for free is not. What you are asking about is piracy and as such, is not tolerated here. Piracy, and any discussion thereof, is not only against this forum's rules - its illegal.

So, by all means, jailbreak your iPad and explore the legal ways to add tweaks and customization to it. IMNSHO, jail breaking enhances the iPad's operation. Just - avoid piracy.

Hope this helps/clarifies.

Jail-breaking is the ability to access root device ..
In other words, it makes you control your device the way you want.
The most popular jailbreak app is cydia, and from cydia you can install themes tweaks fonts and other useful stuff like wifi tethering, better bluetooth, shortcuts, widgets...etc.
It is legal and it Won't harm the hardware of your device, (sometimes, when making big mistakes you would probably need to restore your device and lose your data..)

Free apps are illegal in some countries (i guess) and we cant talk about it here on this forum.. (read the terms)
Hope i helped
fanckush said:
Jail-breaking is the ability to access root device ..
In other words, it makes you control your device the way you want.
The most popular jailbreak app is cydia, and from cydia you can install themes tweaks fonts and other useful stuff like wifi tethering, better bluetooth, shortcuts, widgets...etc.
It is legal and it Won't harm the hardware of your device, (sometimes, when making big mistakes you would probably need to restore your device and lose your data..)

Free apps are illegal in some countries (i guess) and we cant talk about it here on this forum.. (read the terms)
Hope i helped

What can't be discussed here is any method which enables you to get paid apps without paying for them; stealing, in other words. Apps offered for free in the app store are entirely different and can be discussed.
If you are jail breaking for security reasons then maybe it is just my paranoia talking but do not bother with it. You might end up opening up second back door on your machine for easier access.

You might want to warch for iOS 6. If it has a missing Airplane mode, then they are making it too obvious about 1984izing.

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