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Jailbreak/jailbreak apps or tweaks originating the 'no sim card installed' problem?


iPF Noob
Mar 28, 2012
Reaction score
Santo António das Areias
Dear Sirs,

The 'no sim card installed' problem has just popped up in my jailbroken iPad. Whereas I previously (when non-jailbroken it happened once) solved it by simply removing the sim card and reinserting it, now that doesn't work. Can it have to do with the jailbreak?

I thank you in advance.
I've never known this to be due to software, jailbroken or otherwise. The proviso is of course that you haven't installed anything silly, such as ultrasn0w.

Whenever I have come across it, it has been to do with hardware, either the card itself or the SIM tray becoming loose. I would definitely try re-seating the SIM, clean it, etc.

However, if you want to rule out the jailbreak, you will need to restore the device.
Thank you for the answer.

I shall try a different sim card, then. Because the sim tray becoming loose would be a strange reason, I think. The iPad is two months old or something and has never fallen or hit something or whatever. Plus, I noticed the 'no sim card installed' message when I woke up after leaving the iPad on all night with the 3G activated. The sim card might be broken because of the heat, for instance, right? (And it is the new iPad, which does heat up quite a bit.)

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