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Jailbreaking - Back to Basics


iPF Noob
As a beginner, my problem is that even the most simple discussions about jail breaking never actually explain in truly simple words just what jail breaking is, i.e. how does it change the iPad, why you would want to do it, why you would NOT want to do it, and how you go about doing it. All I see are references to TinyUmbrella and Cydia, with the assumption that everyone knows all about them (which maybe everyone does, except me).

Any chance of going back to basics for this dummy?

Thank you so much - I saw that very informative posting right after I submitted mine.

Can't believe you responded so quickly.
OK, I have read that excellent tutorial on jail breaking, twice over. Don't want to risk losing anything on my iPad, so have a few questions...

1.. My iPad is on 4.2.1, and I am perfectly happy with that IOS for now. Which jail-break program would you recommend?

2.. The things I don't like about the iPad are the inability to instal Adobe Flash Player and the dependence on ITunes. Will jail-breaking fix the Adobe problem, and really allow me to see and transfer files (and do a full backup) to my Winows XP PC?

3.. Would I still need iTunes after a jail break?

Many thanks
OK, I have read that excellent tutorial on jail breaking, twice over. Don't want to risk losing anything on my iPad, so have a few questions...

1.. My iPad is on 4.2.1, and I am perfectly happy with that IOS for now. Which jail-break program would you recommend?

Have you ever saved SHSH blobs? See this to understand what I mean: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24323-shsh-blobs-frequently-asked-questions-updated.html

If you have not, then the only jailbreak I would recommend is for iOS 5.0.1 using redsn0w, which is a tethered jailbreak.

I say to go to iOS 5.0.1 because iOS 4.2.1 is w-a-y old (in software time) and [the ubiquitous] everyone is focused on the latest and newest firmware, which is iOS5. So, to keep up with current trends (both with App Store apps and jail break apps), I'd recommend iOS 5.0.1. The sticky to help you jail break with redsn0w is here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...lbreak-ipad1-ios5-tethered-using-redsn0w.html

But, there are still ways to jail break iOS 4.2.1, but I cannot say they'll be as supported as those for iOS 5. In fact, I'll have to dig up some older links on jailbreaking with iOS 4.x. I'm not even sure they're still being supported...

2.. The things I don't like about the iPad are the inability to instal Adobe Flash Player and the dependence on ITunes. Will jail-breaking fix the Adobe problem, and really allow me to see and transfer files (and do a full backup) to my Winows XP PC?

Unfortunately, no, jailbreak will not fix the Flash "problem." See this link for all the readings concerning Flash: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-faq/54703-flash-ipad.html

Now, to see and transfer stuff, take a look at this jailbreaking tweak - PC Networking: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-pc-networking-windows-access-filesystem.html

Yeah, I wrote the overview on it, but accessing your iPad with it is a very easy process. It is one of my, if not THE, favorites. YMMV.

3.. Would I still need iTunes after a jail break? Many thanks

And, you'll still have to depend on iTunes. Well, I depend on it solely to keep my apps and a backup. That's it. I use cloud storage for everything else. We have a couple of members here who have never used iTunes.

So, there's all that to digest. All I can suggest is you read the links and decide. I do, however, urge you to re-consider your "happiness" with iOS 4.2.1. A lot of App Store and jail break tweaks and apps are upgraded to run on iOS 5. They don't work as well on iOS 4.x. And, the jailbreak works fine on iOS 5 - at least for me. Just something to think about...

Hope some of this information helps. Let us know if you need any more info/help...


P.S. And, I've made your comments/questions their own thread in the main Hacking section. Be easier for others to see and participate in the discussion versus being in an older thread about tutorials.
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Welcome to the forum Robin, your in the right spot now, both Mickey330 and f4780y on here will give you the best and most up to date info you will need, JailBreaking can be confusing at the best of times, but like riding a bicycle, once you've done it you wonder what all the fuss was about.
Good Luck with it, and feel free to ask as many questions as you need, remember there are some great stickies on here, wrote in very easy to understand terminology.
Thank you everyone - this forum is a real jewel. Here is the next round of my layman's thoughts:

I am happy with 4.2.1 because everything works, and the iPad is now such an important personal and business tool that I don't want to do anything that would put my apps out of action or lose precious data. I guess what you are saying is that 4.2.1 to 5.0.1 is like DOS to Windows, so I may soon have to make the decision to jailbreak and upgrade. But tell me if:

1.. I can still do a backup with iTunes without upgrading from 4.2.1.

2.. I can download and use TinyUmbrella to save SHSH blobs.

3.. I don't want a tethered jailbreak, so what's the best way to go?

4.. I can jailbreak specifically to 5.0.1?

5.. Is iTunes preferred to, say, Cydia for making backups, and if so, why?

6.. I could use a backup to transfer everything to an iPad-2.

Really appreciate all this help.
Thank you everyone - this forum is a real jewel. Here is the next round of my layman's thoughts:

I am happy with 4.2.1 because everything works, and the iPad is now such an important personal and business tool that I don't want to do anything that would put my apps out of action or lose precious data. I guess what you are saying is that 4.2.1 to 5.0.1 is like DOS to Windows, so I may soon have to make the decision to jailbreak and upgrade. But tell me if:

1.. I can still do a backup with iTunes without upgrading from 4.2.1.

2.. I can download and use TinyUmbrella to save SHSH blobs.

3.. I don't want a tethered jailbreak, so what's the best way to go?

4.. I can jailbreak specifically to 5.0.1?

5.. Is iTunes preferred to, say, Cydia for making backups, and if so, why?

6.. I could use a backup to transfer everything to an iPad-2.

Really appreciate all this help.

Your main problem here is not jailbreak related. It is the fact that you are back on 4.2.1. Whilst the analogy is not quite as extreme as DOS to Windows, upgrading a version of IOS which is several versions behind the current one, particularly when 4.x to 5.x is a major release, is challenging and does not always work as smoothly as expected (certainly not as smoothly as updating to each new release from the previous one).

Since you describe your device as an important tool with precious data, I imagine the first order of business BEFORE you even consider jailbreaking is getting it onto 5.0.1.
Personally, I'd be considering a fresh install and re-start from scratch, but that's just me.

To answer your other questions:

1. iTunes can always be used to back-up your device, even on 5.x (but on 5.x you must choose EITHER iTunes or iCloud, not both)
2. You can't save any blobs other than 5.0.1 if you are starting today. It's worth making a start, but you've lost your opportunity to save 4.x blobs. The only other option you have is to use iFaith to extract your 4.2.1 blobs, but since 4.2.1 is so old now I would never recommend going back to that version. 4.3.3 is the oldest you want to be on and you are not eligible to get those blobs now as Apple will not provide them to you.
3. An untethered jailbreak for 5.0.1 has just been released for iPad1, so that is probably what you want. However, iBooks is currently broken on it and we are awaiting a fix. If you rely on iBooks you should hold off for a fix (but you need to work on your upgrade problem FIRST anyway).
4. Yes, as above. See here for tutorial - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...orial-jailbreak-ipad1-ios5-using-redsn0w.html
5. Cydia does not make backups. It is the JB version of the App Store. iTunes or iCloud still backs up your device. You can however download or purchase other apps which backup JB apps, tweaks, and settings specifically from Cydia, such as PKGBackup if you like.
6. Yes, this is possible, but a 4.2.1 iPad1 backup should not be stuck on a new 5.x iPad2 IMHO.

Hope that helps.
...your main problem here is not jailbreak related. It is the fact that you are back on 4.2.1. Upgrading a version of IOS which is several versions behind the current one, particularly when 4.x to 5.x is a major release, is challenging and does not always work as smoothly as expected... Personally, I'd be considering a fresh install and re-start from scratch, but that's just me.

... iTunes can always be used to back-up your device, even on 5.x (but on 5.x you must choose EITHER iTunes or iCloud, not both)

... You can't save any blobs other than 5.0.1 if you are starting today. It's worth making a start, but you've lost your opportunity to save 4.x blobs. The only other option you have is to use iFaith to extract your 4.2.1 blobs, but since 4.2.1 is so old now I would never recommend going back to that version.

... An untethered jailbreak for 5.0.1 has just been released for iPad1, so that is probably what you want. However, iBooks is currently broken on it and we are awaiting a fix.

... a 4.2.1 iPad1 backup should not be stuck on a new 5.x iPad2 IMHO.

OK, things are slowly but surely becoming clear. I have extracted the bits of your last reply that need a little more discussion, so here we go...

Your feelings about the challenges associated with upgrading from 4.x to 5.x really concern me. Why would you go for a fresh install, and how does one go about doing that?

Is it fair comment to say that backup to the cloud would "un-tether" me from iTunes if I needed to restore?

I will forget about blobs for 4.2.1, thank you for that info.

Good news about redsnow. Maybe by the time I have the nerve to upgrade to 5.0.1 the bug will be fixed.

Why is it your opinion that a 4.2.1 backup should not be restored to a 5.x iPad-2? Will the apps no longer recognize the data?

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