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Jailbreaking timeS, need help


iPF Noob
So I was wondering whether I should jailbreak my ipad at 3.2 with sirius or update to 3.2.1 and jb with jailbreakme? I have my ipad only for a week now and the other thing I don't get it, even if I read a lot, whats SHSH blobs and where and how do I save them?
Also if I want to downgrade (now that I've got my blobs saved should I just restore?)

So basically the main question remains: sirius for 3.2 and keep till os4 or jailbreakme 3.2.1 and wait for the new os update to fix the pdf hole?

Thanks for your help ;)

EDIT: Jailbroken my iPad and I'm loving it :)
Thanks guys ^.^
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Im new to this also but learning the ropes at an accelerated pace. I had my ipad now 2 weeks. Last wednesday, i took da plunge like $&@? It, amd went to jailbreakme.com. My ipad is 32GB wifi ver. 3.2.1. It was soooo easy jailbreaking on dat site, at least for me. Once u go to the site, u gnna see a slider. Slide it to jailbrake n u good to go. It downloads and installs, then u get the Cydia store app. This is where u go to get jailbrake apps.
Id say go for it but just make sure u do ur research first. That ssh thng u talkin bout has to do with the ipad software version or somethn. When u jailbrake, go to cydia app, there u can have cydia store those ssh details and such. This is for if u need to restore to specific firmware, if uve upgraded on accident or somethn. Im luvn this ipad. Im multitasking like a mofo now. Downloading videos straighT to ipad without need for itunes. Got the new bt mouse stack. Stock, the ipad doesnt accept or have the drivers for that. When u jailbrake n get bt mouse stack, u can use it now. Soo many different cool useful apps. Make sure ur apps r ipad only or ipad compatible. Or else ur device might start acting up. Get winterboard also from cydia, lets u customize the interface/themes and change icons n stuff. Really in depth. Im amazed with it. I have kive wallpapers now. ;-). Other apps to get backgrounder(for multitasking), citurious(compliments backgrounder, a task switcher, wrks really good), fullforce(allows iphone apps to be forced to ipad resolution), quake 3, n more.
If u go for it, to be on the safe side, make sure to backup ur ipad by syncing itunes on desktop.
Aint it crazy how we dont even have our devices long n lust for cracking them open..lol. I masterd this ipad, jailbrake. Have android os on my windows mobile tilt2..dual boot into android or windows mobile. Plus tethered to my ipad thru wifi using xdatethering app on my phone. It cant get no sweeter. I really misjudged this ipad at first b4 i got it. Now this is the best, coolest device i have. Replaced my computer basically.
Thanks for the info :D but I also have another problem :S

When I was trying to back up my iPad it got to the 100% and then the windows icon popped up and said the backup encountered a problem and had to be closed... So never backed up my ipad and haveno idea how to do it now :S
Thanks for the info :D but I also have another problem :S

When I was trying to back up my iPad it got to the 100% and then the windows icon popped up and said the backup encountered a problem and had to be closed... So never backed up my ipad and haveno idea how to do it now :S

I had somerhing similar happen. After syncn n backn up ipad, a window pops up saying my computer doesnt have "permissions" or whatever..lol. It said my apps werent backed up or something. I guess i have to log itunes on the desktop online to give it permission or to make that my main computer. Cuz it asks me if i want to go online to do it.
I backed up my firmware version or those ssh things thru cydia. I got version 3.2.1. Hopefully someone else chime in soon cuz im intersted also in info.
hi! does anyone know how to hard reset the ipad? its not successfully turned on to homescreen. been trying many many times and hrs of waiting. this has been jailbroken neither can do restore or update via itunes. pls help.
hi! does anyone know how to hard reset the ipad? its not successfully turned on to homescreen. been trying many many times and hrs of waiting. this has been jailbroken neither can do restore or update via itunes. pls help.

EIther put your iPad into Recover mode or DFU mode.

Here are some links to youtube videos on how to do it (Not my videos though just ones I found)

Recovery: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkVr5CxFiFM]YouTube - How to put the iPad In/Out Recovery Mode[/ame]

DFU: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6FSHAp6fvk]YouTube - How to Put the iPad in DFU Mode[/ame]

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