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Jailbreakme.com 3.2.1 Weird problem


iPF Noob
I used jailbreakme.com to jailbreak my 3.2.1 iPad. At first everything was working fine. Then, when I rebooted, everything went weird. The display was acting more like the iPhone. Only 4 rows of 4 apps on each screen, the dock was like the old iPhone one, and the dock itself only takes up the bottom left corner of the screen. Also, when I open Cydia, it feels up the screen, but the Tab Bar buttons won't work. Any ideas?

All I had installed was:
Snes4iphone package
what ever you installed did that, its common for some apps to do that. To fix it you will have to respring the springboard each time you reboot.

(OpenSSH doesnt do this)

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