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Jailbroken iPad dowloads


iPF Noob
Forgive me is this question is a dash complex, but I figure this is the best place for advice.

So I have a freshly jail broken iPad 2. I want to download an mp3 (Tyler's Summer Camp Mix: free and legal) and add it to iTunes. I'm using icab mobile which supports downloads. How can I then get it into iTunes? Is there any way I can do it without having to connect to my MacBook?
You have to download safari download manger at the Cydia store. After that just go to any edit by moderator - pirated music sites - no discussion allowed Even do I don't condone pirating I'm just saying for educational purposes. :)
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Thanks, mod for the move.
And I'm not pirating. It's a legal download offered by the artist. Downloading isn't the issue. It's adding it to iTunes I don't know how to do.
I am not sure if this helps. I just downloaded vlc media player via cydia.

This media player can handle many types of media files without conversion.

You would still need to download them on your other computer and then use ssh to transfer them to your iPad from there.
johnl316 said:
I am not sure if this helps. I just downloaded vlc media player via cydia.

This media player can handle many types of media files without conversion.

You would still need to download them on your other computer and then use ssh to transfer them to your iPad from there.

I appreciate your reply, but that has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm asking. I just want to know if there is a way to get an MP3 from icabmobile (or jail broke safari) downloads, directly into the iPod without using my computer at all.
Either pwntunes or mewseek, from cydia will do...just drop the file into appropiate folder. Open app and the hit "add to iPod"
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umm....did you know your hatchet wielding creature in your signature is.........moving?

Please tell me it was not always moving.
OUTL4W said:
Either pwntunes or mewseek, from cydia will do...just drop the file into appropiate folder. Open app and the hit "add to iPod"

Don't do this! I did this and when I went to sync my pc said it had already synced with another library and then deleted all my music!
OUTL4W said:
Either pwntunes or mewseek, from cydia will do...just drop the file into appropiate folder. Open app and the hit "add to iPod"

Don't do this! I did this and when I went to sync my pc said it had already synced with another library and then deleted all my music!

hmmm.....I get the pop up message "you have purchases on this ipad,woud you like to transfer your purchases to your itunes library?"

wellllllll.......ofcourse I do.......
That would be apps no? When I put files into the mewseek folder and clicked on add to iPod library, it said to make sure that I ticked manually manage music (which I've done for years!) but I get home it's unticked and the only way around it was to delete all my music! I emailed the dev to see if he can shed any light on it.
That would be apps no? When I put files into the mewseek folder and clicked on add to iPod library, it said to make sure that I ticked manually manage music (which I've done for years!) but I get home it's unticked and the only way around it was to delete all my music! I emailed the dev to see if he can shed any light on it.

before syncin' to itunes....you could use tune-aid to transfer the downloaded music to itunes folder by "copy to folder" function...whole ipod...if there's alot mp3 downloads...or copy individually if only a few songs. Then itunes shouldn't erase all songs.
I'm not sure you understand what I wanted it for.

I download paid music from amazon remotely. I sync my amazon folder with dropbox. I then download the amazon folder to goodreader and then place the folder in mewseek. With the add to the ipod feature I added all the album to my iPod music app.

I then want to sync that back to iTunes so I have it in my collection but if I do this iTunes deletes all my music apart from mewseek.

Copying from mewseek to iTunes kinda defeats the objects I already have it in the amazon folder! :)

I can't see how this app is any good, unless you use the downloader to get music that way.

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