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Jailbroken iPad won't start, help pls!

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iPF Noob
Hello, I have an iPad 2, 64GB, Wifi, 3G. I've just jailbroken it with Absynthe (I navigated to it's website from jailbreakme.com). Then it worked fine, I was scared before, about it can harm my iDevice.
So I started to install some cool apps from Cydia, and I was amazed. So installed enough apps, I wanted to reboot my iPad (I rebooted it 2-3 times because of apps that needed to reboot before use) And I let it on my table, then when I came back, I saw it's still booting. I thought it's a thethered Jailbreak howewer the readme said its untethered. So i just connected it to my computer (It was still booting) and suddenly when my computer started to boot, my iPad finished it. I was happy, so it's untehered, Then I saw some errors on my Springboard. Sometimes, my original Apple app icons are "Shifting". For ex. The title said Calendar, but the icon was the contacts icon, So it was a bit rubish, oh and some icons just not appeared, just a white box. I searched on net, and found a solution, iWipe Cache. It worked, but needed to start much times. Okay sorry for this much blah-blahh.. So- Finally I installed a boot screen changer app. It said the thing that makes it work, is already installed. So I wanted to see the effect. restarted my iPad, BUT IT DID NOT STARTED. So here is my question: WHAT SHOULD I DO?? So- that happens when i hold the sleep button :
Shows me the Apple logo, but however I am waiting mor than 10 minutes, it won't start. I found it, I can stop booting by holding the sleep, and the home button for a while. I cant see it in iTunes, so I can't restore it. Well, I have no internet on that computer too.I've tryed to start it with sleep plus home button, still booooooooting. Please help me, I really don't know what shold I do it was extremely expensive, and I've just destroyed it?? PLS HELP! (oh sorry for my bad english, and i have IOS 5.1.1)
No, you didn't destroy it (at worst, you'll just have reinstall iOS 5.1.1 and start again).

But, from your description, it sounds as if you have a tweak (or more) that are not compatible with your iPad, iOS 5.1.1 or both. So, can you list out the tweaks you installed? That way, we can look through them and see which ones might be causing your problems.


Here you are

No, you didn't destroy it (at worst, you'll just have reinstall iOS 5.1.1 and start again).

But, from your description, it sounds as if you have a tweak (or more) that are not compatible with your iPad, iOS 5.1.1 or both. So, can you list out the tweaks you installed? That way, we can look through them and see which ones might be causing your problems.



God, thanks for your answer. Well, It's hard to tell, I'we installed a nice collection of tweaks. But I know I installed much from a TOP 30 site, so I can nearly tell you about them. Installed:

(Well, I have to tell you, I've installed some apps from [a piracy source] ... illegal a bit...)
SB settings

Safari download manager
Folder Enchancer
Mobile Terminal
NC Settings
IntelliScreen X (Did not worked)
((Zephir)) NOT SURE...
Dashboard X
Action Menu
Quasar (Ohhhh it was the coolest :) )
Scrolling Board
---these from [another piracy source] site---

Multi Icon Mover
Icon Renamer
((FireBreak)) NOT SURE...

---And the last 9 from [yet another piracy source] site---

So these what I've found from these two websites. Then...well... I installed some themes for WinterBoard (Only little ones, but the were rubish...)

Oh, and I've donwloaded that idiot boot screen changer, I Think it was the bad boy....

So, I agree with reinstall iOS 5.1.1, but to do that? And I've a big problem: My iTunes is running under a Windows XP, with no Wi-fi Driver, so I've NO INTERNET CONNECTION ON IT!

Please, how to do that without it? (Here is my E-Mail adress: , please can you give me yours, than we can "talk" faster)

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God, thanks for your answer. Well, It's hard to tell, I'we installed a nice collection of tweaks. But I know I installed much from a TOP 30 site, so I can nearly tell you about them. Installed:

(Well, I have to tell you, I've installed some apps from soure: [a piracy source] ... illegal a bit...)

... [removed list of apps to save space] ...

So these what I've found from these two websites. Then...well... I installed some themes for WinterBoard (Only little ones, but the were rubish...) I DID NOT SPENT ANY MONEY! I DOWNLOAD THEM FROM A SOURCE WITH MUCH MUCH CRACKS, SO ALL THE PAID ONES ARE CRACKS!!!!

Oh, and I've donwloaded that idiot boot screen changer, I Think it was the bad boy....

So, I agree with reinstall iOS 5.1.1, but to do that? And I've a big problem: My iTunes is running under a Windows XP, with no Wi-fi Driver, so I've NO INTERNET CONNECTION ON IT!

Please, how to do that without it? (Here is my E-Mail adress: , please can you give me yours, than we can "talk" faster)

Oh my. Where to start!

Let's begin with this quote from the forum rules, shall we?

15. Discussion of pirated or cracked applications and any methods associated with enabling their use, such as posting app or repository names, is forbidden on this forum. This also includes discussion of illegally obtaining media such as music, movies, games, books or other copyrighted content.

15.1 Piracy is illegal and the staff of*iPadForums.net*neither condones nor supports it in any way. Jail breaking and hacking does*NOT*equal stealing or pirating!

15.2. Discussions, links, and sharing of any piracy related topics, apps, repositories, etc., will be deleted and the member will receive a warning. A second warning may lead to an immediate ban.

There's really not much more I can say!. You went to illegal, unsanctioned repositories to get (by your own admission) "cracked" apps (as in, you stole them). Then, you have the audacity to come here to this forum, register (which you have to agree to the rules to do) and proceed to ask for assistance because you messed up your iPad when you downloaded stuff for which you didn't pay. You even admit to illegal behavior - and yet you still expect assistance?! Really?

Here's your assistance: Restore that iPad to stock iOS 5.1.1 and jail break it again, if you must. Then, never install tweaks and apps that allow you to steal other apps and tweaks. Go and buy your apps (and Cydia tweaks) like honest people do! Then, I guarantee - your iPad will work 100% better.

This is the only advice/help you will get here. Consider this post your warning as mentioned in the rules (quoted above). This thread is closed.

Moderator, iPadForums.net
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