Just joined today, and i have about 2 days with my ipad mini. I love it! Being a huge fan of apple products, and ill confess i wasnt before until the iphone was born, i procrastinated into going to get my mini or retina. Im glad i brought home the mini. I mostly surf and read books or see training videos on it. I have never been able to maximize my apple products in my field (civil engineering) as i used to own an imac in 2009, but i love their stability and experience. My only pain in spending my money on the ipad is that i really cant use it to write notes. I just cant get any good at it. But thats not why i bought it. Im inexperienced with my new toy as i use the Video, iBooks, and Safari applications 98% of the time. Aside from gaming if you all have any cool apps and 'must try' experiences to share its much appreciated.