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just got my iPAD - first impressions


iPF Noob
ok after reading this forum and several other forums i have decided to pull the triger. i walked to my local apple store and got myself 16gb $499 iPAD.
first impressions
- amazing screen quality!!! videos need to be of high quality to take advantage of the screen.
- reading PDF magazines on iPAD blows away my
windows 7 and my kindle - adobe acrobat sucks and kindle screen is too small and too slow.
- reading books is still way better on kindle.
- games are kind of boring (so far i got flight HD, angry birds and real racing HD)
- safari handles my gmail very nicely and smoothly better than on my PC
- lack of multitasking is not a killer
- lack of explorer is a problem - i would like to view my files and be able to create folders in the main directory
- virtual keyboard is not bad, i am slowly getting used to it and i don't think i will ever buy a bluetooth keyboard. the screen is too small for writing essays.

i am glad i have made this purchase. i was well aware of the limitations and the extand to which iPAD can and cannot replace a laptop thanks to everyone in this forum!
games i recommend:
Dodonpachi Daifukatsu (Dodonpachi Resurrection)
Espgaluda 2
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Chaos Rings

the first three of those games are on other consoles
Grab ZumoCast for streaming videos from your main computer. It will also do docs and photos which will compensate for the limited storage on your machine.
Ok after two days of playing with the device:
- I bought readdledocs which i dont use. should have researched more, Goodreader is the way to go!!! I
- I bought pages after extensive reading about docs to go and others... I honestly don't mind emailing myself files. I have always done it...
- zumocast kicks ass.
- if you guys know anymore great apps, keep those suggestions coming. I would have never found out about zumocast and this is such a useful app.
If you like your music and your looking for something a bit different take a look at the Drums! App.

It's been the Number 1 App in the UK recently. The App lets you play along with your favourite tunes on a drum kit, which is good fun but if your an iPad noob you'll get a kick out of the graphics, they're great.
You also should try DropBox, USB disk, Sundry Note (witch is free) Smiley docs…. in term of game let me say
Zombie Farm …

but games depend on the type of game you like : aka platform … puzzle… shout them up .. adventure

Multitasking and folder are yet in the 4.2 (actually Beta)
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If you follow a number of online blogs, Blogshelf is a very nice reader, while Reeder and Pulse are both nice rss reader apps. I have pulse setup for a range of newspapers and magazines for a quick morning browse and it works really well.
Photographic apps, Filterstorm, Photogene and Retouch are all good. So too are Notetaker HD, Penultimate, Brushes and Sketchbook as well as the must have Evernote.
Flipboard if you like reading current topics.

Pad info good for system information.

Line art is fun.

Netflix for snuggle nights in bed.

Hulu plus if they have most the shows you like and girly steals the 55" from you..

Weather maxx is nice.

Dropbox I hear is great..never used it but I have it.

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