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Keeping and updating my old IPAD 1 for Grandson


iPF Noob
A few months ago I bought a new IPAD 3 and love it. My Grandson is in a nearby city and we see him often. I let him have my old IPAD so he could enjoy the music, and games I had loaded for him to play. Now my daughter tells me she keeps getting notices that the IPAD needs APP updates and many of them no longer work.

Can someone help me on this? Should I try to update the IPAD 1 (WIFI&ATT model) for him here on my Itunes Account, or was I supposed to erase everything and let them start their own Itunes Account for it? They have a PC and do use Itunes. I'm not trying to rip off Apple, I just thought he might have fun playing with my old IPAD because he liked my games (which were for him anyway). Help? :o How do I properly turn it over to them?
That was very generous of you:)

My oldest son just got given an original gen and he loves it! We have both our iPads on the same Apple ID. It was just easier that way for us, I can keep tabs on him better and I control the updates and app purchases. Depending on how often you see them, this may or may not work for you. Updating can sometimes be a pain and it may very well be beneficial to them that they have their own Apple ID so they can better control content and updates, plus if junior gets gift cards or such, they could input those themselves without having to go thru you.
Are most of these games and apps free? If so, they wouldn't be out anything to start their own. But if you have spent some money on getting these apps, they wouldn't get to carry over to a new ID. So you have to weigh the benefit vs the not.
I find it odd that these games no longer work though....my youngest son has an iPod touch that has old firmware that cannot be updated anymore, he still can use old apps just fine but can't get new ones. Did they update his firmware after you gave it to them or something? That would make the old games require updating to work, not usually the other way around. Once an app is on your device, if nothing changes, it should always work. No firmware update....no app update.
At least, that is our experience for an older iPod touch.
Thanks so much. My daughter and grandson will be here today with the IPAD....so I will discuss it with them and test his IPAD here on my MAC. I believe almost all his games were free ones so I will see what problems they are having. Not sure how to get their IPAD transferred or rebooted to their account....but will play with it when they arrive today. Thanks for the help and glad to hear someone else still uses and likes the IPAD 1.......still a very powerful tool...no doubt.

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