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Kindle Books On iPad

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iPF Noob
I was "gifted" 850 .mobi books from current popular authors.

I have all of these book in a folder on my PC I named -duh! - My Kindle Books.

I also have a fold My Kindle Content created by - I believe - Kindle for PC.

I can paste a .mobi book into the Content folder, open Kindle for PC, and read the book without a problem.

Is there a way to be able to read the book on my iPad?

I hope so; otherwise there is a Kindle WiFi in my future and then I have to carry two devices.

I don't know if the kindle app for the iPad allows books from other than amazon, but you could use calibre to convert your mobi to epub and use iBooks to read them. Calibre will also upload them to the iPad without using iTunes if you like.
I use calbre as well and I think it is the best free program for this. It does almost all formats as well.
Okay, so I'm aware that this thread is about a half a million years old...but, I figure I might as well throw in my 2 cents in case anyone happens to stumble across it in search of .mobi information (like I just did).

Personally, I'm not a big fan of converting files, because in the past, I've noticed that the formatting gets messed up a lot of the time. So, I just try to use relevant apps instead.

I've found that the best way to get external .mobi files onto your iPad/Kindle app is to simply throw them in Dropbox. When you open it on your iPad, it'll suggest to open it in your Kindle app. No conversion required. :)
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