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Life After ZAGG


iPF Noob
I have had my I-Pad 3 since launch day, when I let Best Buy install a Zagg Screen Protector on it at the stoe. It seemed like a good deal and a prudent thing to do to protect my most prized possession. Now, the Zagg protector has frayed at the edges, seems to gather lines and marks and always needs cleaning. So, this morning I peeled it off and then cleaned my bare screen with a moist fiber cloth. WOW-what a great change for the better !
My I-Pad screen is 1. Much more vibrant(retina display), 2. It now feels silky smooth and seems to flow SO much better than before as I havigate and 3. The whole screem(black edges also) is just beautiful.

I am so happy to be rid of that Zagg " so called Protector" ! I never had one for my I-Pad 2 and NEVER had a scratch or mark and sold it for a great price. I only use my new I-Pad (or the old one for that matter) at home, at malls or in well protected environments anyway. I have a magnetic cover, a clear back cover and a nice foam lined bag to varry it in. I will just "take my chances" and use caution to protet the scree, I am SO happy without the Zagg protector and ecourage other folks to re-discover the beauty of your I-Pad 3 and take off your screen protectors.

Also, any suggestions on how o clean my "naked screen" now ? Can I use professional eye glass spray on a lint free cloth? Or just a micro-fiber cloth with a dab of plain water ? Thanks
gapman said:
I have had my I-Pad 3 since launch day, when I let Best Buy install a Zagg Screen Protector on it at the stoe. It seemed like a good deal and a prudent thing to do to protect my most prized possession. Now, the Zagg protector has frayed at the edges, seems to gather lines and marks and always needs cleaning. So, this morning I peeled it off and then cleaned my bare screen with a moist fiber cloth. WOW-what a great change for the better !
My I-Pad screen is 1. Much more vibrant(retina display), 2. It now feels silky smooth and seems to flow SO much better than before as I havigate and 3. The whole screem(black edges also) is just beautiful.

I am so happy to be rid of that Zagg " so called Protector" ! I never had one for my I-Pad 2 and NEVER had a scratch or mark and sold it for a great price. I only use my new I-Pad (or the old one for that matter) at home, at malls or in well protected environments anyway. I have a magnetic cover, a clear back cover and a nice foam lined bag to varry it in. I will just "take my chances" and use caution to protet the scree, I am SO happy without the Zagg protector and ecourage other folks to re-discover the beauty of your I-Pad 3 and take off your screen protectors.

Also, any suggestions on how o clean my "naked screen" now ? Can I use professional eye glass spray on a lint free cloth? Or just a micro-fiber cloth with a dab of plain water ? Thanks

Naked is the way ahead :-)

As far as cleaning is concerned I just use a microfibre cloth (I always give it good shake first to remove any dust in the fibres that may scratch the screen). For any stubborn spots I will gently breathe on the screen before wiping, normally that's plenty of moisture.
I thank you. Just went to amazon.com and ordered the complete iKlean Kit with 2 day shipping for $22.34. This should last me until the
I-Pad 5 ! I am very excited about my great "after Zagg" screen appearance. Now just waiting for IOS6 and Siri in the Fall. The I-PAd is the gift that just keeps on giving.
Just to balance this perspective...I have owned the original iPad, the iPad2 each within a month or two of general availability. Upon purchase, I installed a Zagg screen protector on both iPads. When I bought the new iPad, I did the exact thing with it, but then I had to return the new iPad due to screen dappling--a glass problem with wavering light only visible on white screens. Anyway, I did not put on a Zagg on the replacement for two months, and I found the naked screen to be as responsive as my previous two iPads. I would have kept the new iPad naked if it wasn't for Zagg making the new HD version of the Zaggshield, 50% off, so I bought it, installed it, and I cannot tell the difference with it on. Maybe it is the new HD version, I don't really know. However, I'm a bit less cautious about touching the screen and making sure I'm pressing the screen with my finger tips and not with any hard substance now that the screen is on the new iPad. For me, it is peace of mind. Insurance against the potential to scratch.

Of course, YMMV!!
Who knows where the "real sory ends" ! It just nay be my agibg, macular denerated eyesight(72) that caused me to like the naked screen so much when I ditched the Zagg. I gues if one wanted 100% protection you would have to leave the device in the original packeging. I love technology(I-Pads, I-Phone, a modern gaming PC and an XBOX 360) to pass my time way into retirement.The Senior Tech Guy
axis said:
Who recommends that?

Didn't notice that in the Apple store I was at on Thursday.
Just checked Apple online and they only sell Techlink cleaner, I would imagine that is what they recommend, if anything.

It's sold in our Apple stores which are privately owned, we don't have an Apple presence here,
I use to have a zagg on my iPhone and decided to go naked on the screen for my iPad. I do use the smart cover and a cheap back cover for it and it goes into a 10in neoprene sleeve to protect it from the weather. But I don't regret putting a screen protector on it though. I do use a variety of microfiber clothes to clean the screen ( whatever is handy ) and iKlear happens to be one brand I did pick up and it works well.

There's a kit that you can pick up from them and it includes 2 cloths, a spray and some packets of moist wipes for travel. I just keep 1-2 cloths in my sleeve so it's there if I need to clean my screen.
MattIM said:
Just to balance this perspective... I did not put on a Zagg on the replacement for two months, and I found the naked screen to be as responsive as my previous two iPads. I would have kept the new iPad naked if it wasn't for Zagg making the new HD version of the Zaggshield, 50% off, so I bought it, installed it

Ditto. Screen is perfect visually. Very Happy.
The ONLY slight difference I can notice is that touching the screen feels very slightly "plastic" instead of silky glassy. Zagg included the micro-fiber cloth and cleaner all for $19.95.

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