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Listing of Videos instead of thumbnails

Hi folks, is there a way of listing videos instead of thumbnails?

I've the 32gig, a lot of room to load on movies and music videos,
there in lies the problem as you have to scroll the thumbnails a lot
to try and locate the one you want, I know, tuff problem to have ;)

But is there a way to have it listed like the music section has?

It depends on the type of movies.

If you are referring to movies purchased via iTunes, then no, as the Videos app only has the thumbnail overview. But if you have normal movies without DRM, you could use the CineXPlayer to list and play your movies.
The movies I have are ones converted from my DVD collection using SlySoft
and made into Mpeg4 videos, so probably out of luck on that.

But it's more the music videos than the movies, only can have maybe
a dozen or so movies anyways so not that big a deal, but the music
videos, that's a different story, I've bought far more than I should from
iTunes, I'm sure they're happy with me though ;)

Thanks for the reply,
If you go into your computer's iTunes music sync options (with iPad connected), you will see an option to sync music videos. If you do this they will show up in the iPod app.

It still takes you into the Video's app to play them, and it does't automatically go back to the iPod app after playing them. But you can view them like a music list.

Two cautions:

One, make sure you unselect the videos from the Movies sync, so you don't accidentally end up with two copies.

Two, if all your music, or videos are not already in the Computer's iTunes library be sure to go to the File menu and Transfer to the iPad before syncing.

Note: You can prevent iTunes auto sync tendencies by going into Preferences in iTunes (on the computer). Select Devices, your device from the list, and check the prevent auto syncing check box.
thanks I see them when I view the iPod section but as you say, once it plays one,
it reverts back to Movies/Music Videos, it's not a terrible thing, but would be nice
to have it go back to where you started ;)

Again, thanks for you input!
Oh well, can't win them all.

I didn't think it would a good solution anyway. I have looked for better apps to play the music videos stored in iTunes. It comes up from time to time. No luck so far.
I figured once I bought this one, the new styles would be out, oh in about 31 days
after I bought it ;) as that was my luck with the iPod long ago, 45 days after getting
that, they came out with the 120gig and would exchange it with your 80gig if you
bought it within 30days, but, cross my fingers and knock on my head, it's still running
very well now!

I fund my 'toys' with my knife sheath work I do, for folding knives, so it takes a lot
of cows to pay for my toys, other wise I'd not have anything as my day job's paycheck
goes to the wife and family, BUT, this way there's no guilt associated with the toys ;) a very good thing!
Cool, knives.

I bought my first iPod, a first generation, on a friday. Saturday Apple announced the second generation, shipping immediately. Checked, but mine was already in the mail. Can't complain much. It held all my music and worked beautifully. It probably still works, if I could find it.
That's pretty tuff news to get, I wasn't too upset, but of course the price
for the 120's were now the same as the 80's, so I had no recourse, who would
by mine when they could by the 120 for the same ? :)

Here's one of the sheaths' I've made, that helped to fund all my toys, all hand
formed and hand stitched, a lot of work, more hobby than job...it mounts vertically on your belt.


That's beautiful. Thanks for showing me.

Next thing you know you'll be making your own custom iPad case. If you do you'll have to show that off too.
figured it's germane to the off tangent conversation ;) since it did help pay
for the iPad, but no, won't be doing iPad cases, need a sewing machine for
stuff like that, there are SO many to choose from today, I'm pretty happy with
the real thin iPad folder from Apple, that and the anti glare screen from Power Support
I guess next on the docket might be a keyboard thingamajig ? :)
Well, it's your thread, so if anyone can get away with a little off topic, it should be you.

I'm pretty satisfied with my Apple case too.
I opted for the 32gig, but if I had the funds, I'd have grabbed the 64,
but, the 32 seems large enough so far, I keep most all my music on the iPod
and videos on the iPad, seems to work, but then, I've only had it a very
short while !

Off to launch some angry birds now ;)

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