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Loading a .band file back into Garageband (iPad 2)


iPF Noob
May 4, 2013
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Hi all. I am a newbie. Forgive me if this question is ridiculous, and forgive
me if it's been asked 1000 times. Basically, I'm trying to collaborate with some
old school buddies through Garageband. I only have it on Ipad 2, they have it on
their macs. I do not have a mac (terrible, I know). We're all working from a
Dropbox account. I put a file of a guitar track into said Dropbox. They've
already done work on the file and dropped it back into the box. Now, I'm able to
get the new .band folder back into itunes through my pac, via ifunbox. However,
when I pull up Garageband on the Ipad 2 and click the + sign and select itunes,
it doesn't show up. If I select a song I have on my Garageband, I can see the
folder through Apple Loops, but it isn't accessible. I can just see the title,
and it's in grey, not in bold black. So, is it not possible to get this back
onto the iPad 2 by pc through iTunes? Will it ever be? Better yet, if I had a
mac, would this be doable? I realize this is worded terribly, but any help would
be appreciated.

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