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Loading a PDF with Icon


iPF Noob
I have a PDF document that I would like to load on the Ipad2 and have it show up as an icon on the main screen so you can select it at anytime. How do I go about packaging this up as to load it on the Ipad2 in this way. I can open it via an email but I would like to have it as an icon that is always available.

thanks for the help.

The only way I know how to do this involves using Dropbox. So, that's the method I'll explain (BTW, if you don't have Dropbox, you can get a 2GB account for free...start by downloading the app from the App Store, then sign up).

1) Have the PDF file in the Public folder of Dropbox

2) Open the Dropbox app on your iPad

3) Navigate to the Public folder and your PDF

4) When the PDF opens in Dropbox's preview pane, press the link icon (upper right) and choose to "Copy Link to Clipboard."

5) Then, open Safari and paste the link in the URL/address bar; press Go

6) When your PDF loads in Safari, select the arrow (to the left of the URL bar) and then select "Add to Home Screen"

7) Name the new icon whatever you wish and press "Add"

Safari will close and you new icon will appear on page 2 of the iPad. You can select it or move it around, just like any other icon.

As long as you never move that PDF out of its spot in Dropbox, that specific link/icon will always go to your PDF file (via Safari).

Hope this helps. Good luck.


By the way, this works with anything you've got in that Public folder (pictures, any Microsoft Office files ...). Heck, I just tried it with a .mov and it worked! Who knew! :D

I think Dropbox is the greatest thing since sliced bread, TBH.

Thank you very much. I will try this. I wasnt sure if you could package it some way like an application and then load it. I will have several things that I need to do this with so I will give it a shot.

Thanks again.

Thank you so much Marilyn. I have a question; Does this make the document searchable on the internet? Just to know for privacy issues.
Thank you so much Marilyn. I have a question; Does this make the document searchable on the internet? Just to know for privacy issues.

As far as I understand, no, your document will not be searchable. It is still within your Dropbox account that is protected by vast amounts of security.

As long as you are careful with whom you share any link, your files will be fine.


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