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Lock problem


iPF Noob
Hi wondered if anyone come across this problem, my screen lock appears to have stopped working, when I slide it back and forth the volume icon appears both times once with a line through it assume means mute, has anyone seen this?
You have iOS 4.2.1 - they changed the function of the slide switch - it used to be 'orientation lock' - now it's 'mute', but in a 'funny' way - it mutes 'system' sounds - like 'new email' but not the music you're playing. This makes sense - hey, you don't want the 'new email jingle' to sound in your product presentation meeting!!

iOS 4.3 - available in the next few days - will fix this and you'll be able to choose whether you want that button to be a 'mute' or 'orientation' control.

Want to control the orientation under 4.2.1? (you knew I was going to ask that!!)

'Double press' the 'Home' button and then 'swipe' left and there's the lock control - they've hidden it away..

Have fun...

Enjoy your iPad


(on a train on the West Coast of Scotland - thanks to 3G)
Thank you so so much, I have just locked it, so glad I joined this forum! It's been driving me mad.

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