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Looking for an app to assist with sports car hire business...

Mr H

iPF Noob
Hi all, new here so hi!

I own a sports car hire business in the UK, and have an iPad mini I wish to use for as much as I can!

First thing is our inspection sheets. Currently single piece of a4 paper, with outline drawing of cars, which we mark any scuffs etc before going out. Then under that we mark fuel level, mileage, and general checks. Then signatures at the bottom

Want to put this onto iPad with the ability to save a form each time for each client and email or print etc.

Ideally want to re create what we do manually, maybe replacing the outline drawing with photos of the car. However struggling to find something I can utilise for this.

I realise nothing this specific will exist, but was thinking about some sort of document creator, but again can't seem to find anything that'll add photos and interactive elements!

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction!

Thanks, Mark
My jump to conclusion here is that Evernote is going to be your friend. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue how to use it. Luckily, there are forum members who are very well versed in its use, so stick around.

One aspect that I can help with is use of Skitch. This is a neat app which is marketed by Evernote, and allows you to make annotations on photographs. This ability could be very useful to you, as you can take a series of photographs of the car, then use the circles and arrows to note where damage is apparent. These photographs could then be compared to the car on its return and anything not circled or highlighted is the customers doing.

I believe the photographs could be imported into Evernote for assembling into your rental document with the rest of the info, but this is where I'm going to have to leave it to others.
Hi there and welcome,

I've found some links to a few apps that may be of interest, the first few are PDF form fillers/creators, the last is a database app, see what you think (oh and as I'm in the UK any chance of a discount lol!).........






The Archangel
Hi and thanks both for your replies. Kevin - will take a look at Evernote!

Gabriel1 - thanks for the links. The PDF ones may well do, however I'm not sure what I'd need to create the PDF initially, as I'd think I'd need something to add interactive elements wouldn't I?

Cheers, Mark
Hi and thanks both for your replies. Kevin - will take a look at Evernote!

Gabriel1 - thanks for the links. The PDF ones may well do, however I'm not sure what I'd need to create the PDF initially, as I'd think I'd need something to add interactive elements wouldn't I?

Cheers, Mark

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by interactive but, to first create the form, you could use MS Office or any other spreadsheet or document creator (like Word) that you currently use. Of course you scan your current form in, either way, it is pretty easy to convert any of these to PDF. This ill create your base form for using in the (pdf) apps that i have suggested. You then use those apps to allow you to write, draw on or sign the form.

Now, I personally don't use any of these but it should be easy enough to check them out (if there isn't enough info in the description google will normally take you to the Developers web site.

I threw Bento in as I'm aware it is a pretty powerful tool and may do exactly what you want and then some, such as tying it all together with invoicing, customer database, etc but again, I don't use it, I just follow the discussions here about it.

The Archangel
Now, you are probably going to think that I've gone mad here (an easy assumption to make) but this app, although designed for construction might be pretty close to what you want


It allows for import of pdf's and jpg's. you can then use the tools to mark up areas of damage (I use it to mark H&S issues on construction sites). The document can then be exported and turned into an electronically signable form by some of those other apps I gave you links to. It's free so it might be worth downloading and playing with as you have nothing to lose.

If nothing else it will give you an idea as to what can be achieved.

The Archangel

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