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Looking to buy an Ipad


iPF Noob
Hi, I'm new to the forum and looking to buy my first tablet.

The Ipad looks to be a good choice but I have a few questions about enhanced use.

I'm sure it will meet my casual browsing needs admirably but a few things are unclear. If I find a file I want to transfer to my desktop PC can I do this via WiFi or is there an easier way? I don't have bluetooth on my desk PC BTW. I'm not too bothered if file transfer is a bit fiddly as I won't be doing it very often. Do I have to buy an app to do this? I have absolutely no idea about apple products or apps or how to buy them or how much they cost.

OK now for the biggie question. One idealistic use for this tablet would be to be able to stream video to it over Wifi. How realistic is this?
The ultimate would be to be able to stream video from a Freeview PVR to the Ipad and watch TV anywhere in the house.

This isn't a showstopper question because realistically the Ipad will just be a comfy web browser and email interface to use in an armchair etc.

If the above video streaming is possible (even if it means buying additional hardware to add to the PVR) then I would be very pleased :)

Hi Jeremy :)

the ipad is generally a great little personal media and entertainment center. it can of course help and aide running your business (it does mine), but in essence, it's a big ipod Touch/iphone (without the phone). it's a fantastic media centre. You'll soon get used to Apple's way of doing things and selling things and developing things. I'm a life long staunt Windows user (and still am), but found the iOS on the Apple mobile devices a dream and a thorough joy to use.

Anyway, your questions.....

1) you can transfer files to your desktop pc (and back and forth in general) either by wifi wireless transfer via the iTunes software on your pc, or, for individual files, emailing. i like this option. Also, a lot of apps allow direct wifi transfer into Windows Explorer. You'll find Apple's operating system VERY different than that of Windows and Explorer. it takes a bit of getting used to. meaning a lot of your activity will be very app orientated. there is no 'general' filing sytem like you're used to.

2) apps are easy to buy and generally cost between 69p and £1.99, but as mentioned, go and try an ipad out in the shop first. it's a very different way of doing things.

3) streaming media from your ipad to your pc or TV is easy. but streaming live tv to your ipad from another device is another matter, and it's not really needed. There are free apps like the BBC iplayer, ITV and C4 players and Sky tv and even web apps like CatchupTV that allow 24/7 live tv viewing (the latter shows terrestrial and satellite UK telly) for your ipad. but live viewing sent from your tv or pvr isnt really an option.
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Thanks for the reply :)

I was hoping I could somehow stream prerecorded programmes from the PVR to the Ipad. Sadly, my internet connection speed is too slow for any live TV options via the web. So I guess I could upload from the PVR to the PC via ethernet and then upload/store this on the Ipad for later viewing. I was going to get the 32Gb version.

I think one of the things that appeals to me is the fact that it is quite restrictive or 'different' to my PC. I really don't want to be doing anything involving lots of input from me on this machine as it will be for casual entertaintment only. I know it is a very versatile instrument and a marvel of modern engineering but it isn't going to ever fully take the place of my laptops or desktop PC. I'm quite looking forward to just using it for casual (on demand) web browsing. For this the PC isn't so hot and I want something like a bigger grown up version of my ancient PDA that serves so well for instant no fuss access to email and news sites and ebay etc.

It would be such a neat thing to have on my workbench as a document reader, or background entertainment, or touchscreen web tool. Also great for monitoring news/sports on the web whilst working or relaxing. In this respect it kills a laptop stone dead :)
There are numerous ways to stream from pc to ipad. Try an app called 'air video' for instance. There are more too.
Well I've just been to look at one in store and decided to buy one :) I've gone for the basic wifi with 32Gb.

I did also look at a few alternatives for a lot less money that are arguably far better value for money (in terms of what I will ever use it for) but the quality of the screen makes such a difference that I went for the Ipad.

I suppose I really ought to be replying on here with it but I haven't unpacked it yet. I presume it will need a hefty charge anyway so will probably play with it tomorrow.

I googled the Air Video app and found it and others.

I also noted there were various remote keyboard options for it from various manufacturers. Are these worth considering and if so which is the best value?

G0HZU said:
Well I've just been to look at one in store and decided to buy one :) I've gone for the basic wifi with 32Gb.

I did also look at a few alternatives for a lot less money that are arguably far better value for money (in terms of what I will ever use it for) but the quality of the screen makes such a difference that I went for the Ipad.

I suppose I really ought to be replying on here with it but I haven't unpacked it yet. I presume it will need a hefty charge anyway so will probably play with it tomorrow.

I googled the Air Video app and found it and others.

I also noted there were various remote keyboard options for it from various manufacturers. Are these worth considering and if so which is the best value?


If it's not at least half charged out of the box, return it. I got one that was about 6% charged and it didn't charge at all.
Mine came with 98% charge, out of the box.

I have an Apple bluetooth keyboard that came with my iMac. It works okay, but I don't bother to pair it up anymore because the on screen keyboard works so well. Actually, I am dictating this post instead of using a keyboard. That's a really good option as long as no one is listening. :-)

milliHelen: amount of beauty required to launch one ship.
Thanks for the advice :)

I unpacked it to see how charged it was and it was on 95%.

Early impressions (as a new user of a tablet) are that the screen quality is phenomenal in terms of clarity.

I'm not so impressed with Safari. It's actually quite irritating to use but maybe I just need to learn a few tips. At the minute I'm plagued with too many tabs that won't go away and I haven't figured out the bookmarking. Also, it does seem very inefficient wrt screen space on Safari.

The voice recognition seems very good as it recognises my speech with very high accuracy and this is a nice bonus as it saves on typing.

That's a really good option as long as no one is listening. :-)

Yes, I did wonder about that myself the first time I spoke to it. I've not tried to see how well it copes with long sentences yet. Presumably it can do things in chunks. I really need to play with it more...

However, apart from the fabulous screen quality and the finger zoom/scroll features it does leave me feeling very constricted compared to a desktop PC. But in terms of a casual armchair web browser I think it's going to exceed my expectations once I master how to use Safari efficiently. The screen is way better than I imagined it would be even after reading the rave reviews :)

The other minor thing was that the little USB charger/lead looks very delicate and flimsy. I haven't tried plugging in the charger yet but it looks like it's something that needs a lot more care than is necessary. I guess I'll just have to be careful...
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Nah, the lead and charger is pretty rugged and easy going. No need for angel feet.

As for browsers, i find safari superior. Just my opinion of course. You'll soon learn tabs and bookmarks. Try Atomic. Thats pretty good.
I have managed to master the tabs in Safari and added some shortcuts to the home page and this makes it a lot better. It's now quite powerful :)

However, I still don't like the way it uses up screen space for the tabs but I did 'something' on my zingzing home icon and zingzing TV now shows a full screen with no tabs.

I just wish I knew what I did as it happened when fumbling with the new protective case I bought.

Good to hear the charger is tougher than it looks :)

The battery life seems as good as advertised as I'm down to something like 65% and it has been used a fair bit. I guess I'll be charging it maybe once or twice a week in the first few weeks and eventually once a fortnight as I (more sensibly) balance its use against my desktop and laptop and PDA.

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