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Loss of continuous play of episodes


iPF Noob

Since the last IOS upgrade I have lost the ability to continuously play episodes on the built in video player. This is really important for me so that I can put Peppa Pig on for my baby daughter while driving long distances. Does anyone know if it is possible to still do this or what app I can download to do this. I have tried various free video playing apps but none of them seem to recognise the episodes I have already downloaded from iTunes. If anyone can help that would be much appreciated.


Huh. That's interesting. I wonder why Apple removed that function.

I found a workaround at Apple's support site:

In iTunes, go to the movie(s) you want to watch in "loop" mode. Select them, right click, GET INFO, OPTIONS, then change each from TV SHOW to MUSIC VIDEO. It will then move the selections over to your music section. It's ok, you can always move them back when [if?] a fix is made on the next iOS update.

Note that you will then have to access these videos from within your music app and I understand you will lose full-screen capability. But, they should loop one right after the other. So, while not an awesome or great "solution," hopefully, this'll suffice...?

I couldn't tell you if Apple is going to bring this function back to the video app. But, if I may make a suggestion, I'd recommend letting Apple know about your displeasure at this feedback link: http://www.apple.com/feedback/

Hope some of this helps.

Thanks Marilyn, I will give this a go. And I will leave feedabck as suggested - seems an odd thing to remove when it is really quite a useful feature.

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