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Lost calendar info from 25 december 2012- 3 March 2013


iPF Noob
I have been faithfully tracking my pain in the built in iPad calender. Tonight I just went back to look something up and all the info in the dates above is gone. Any ideas? I have used the cloud since I felt from apple that was more secure and I could never figure out how to save onto an external hard drive, afraid it would use too much memory on my computer.

Is the Cloud not safe? Is there a way to get my info back? Did it likely happen with an update? Please I am desperate. I was planning on being able to give my detailed pain information, when it occurs, when ad what meds I take, etc. I am so upset. If the Cloud is safe, what might have happened. I had tried to sync my calendar with my mom's, but all my pain journal stuff went over, so I took the syncing off of hers. It still, as I recalled, was on my machine.

Please if you have any ideas? If a reset might work, do I download it all to my computer? Wiill that many apps, most without data cause problems for my computer likely or do you know a way to back up onto an external hard drive before anything else disappears? I have about 1000 apps( most free and thought I'd use some day but I also have about $500 worth of my own money involved here too, so I don't want to lose apps or purchased music.

Kimberly (please help if possible!)

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I just opened back up calendars under settings. It appears that they have added an amount of time to keep on it and it was retro set to one month. Thankfully I changed it to keep it all and it solved the problem. I certainly was upset.

I will still ask if there is a general concern us if the Cloud is the safest route or a personal backup? I wish I could have both.


I can't comment one way or the other about using the cloud too much since I make regular backups on my laptop and only use icloud as a secondary backup for cases where my primary isn't available. That said I've not personally had any issues for the most part except one minor incident involving my Notes stored in iCloud where I accidentally deleted the wrong one via the site and it synced the deletion to my devices before I realized what happened and could put one in airplane mode to recover the note

Regarding that calendar setting, it's been there as long as I've had my ipad, and that's been since just right after the release of iOS 5. :)

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