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Lost pictures


iPF Noob
Help! I had all my pictures together. I went to put them in their own files. I hit delete, to get them off my main page and I ended up deleting all of them. Is there a trash bin that I can retrieve them?
connie1105 said:
Help! I had all my pictures together.

You had your pictures together, where? In what app?

I went to put them in their own files.

The iPad 'file' system does not use files or folders. Unless you were in particular app that uses that metaphor

I hit delete, to get them off my main page

What main page?

and I ended up deleting all of them. Is there a trash bin that I can retrieve them?


Sorry to be so blunt, but we don't know how to help you without knowing a bit more about where you were doing what you said you were doing. I did accidentally delete some photos once. I managed to recover them from a backup on my computer. What kind of backup systems are you using? In iPhoto? Using photo streaming? Are you on a Mac or a PC? When did you last sync your iPad? To your computer? Streaming to iCloud?
I was in photos. I was moving pictures to albums. I hit delete because I thought they were copied in their own album but lost them all albums were empty. On the I Pads home page on the bottom screen next to icon mail and Safari you will see photo icon
If you have been backing up, and you have not backed up since (either to iTune or iCloud) you may be able to get your pictures back by restoring from Backup. It's an all or nothing restore, so make sure any other important documents, pictures, etc are saved elsewhere before; just in case they don't come back.

iCloud: Backup and restore overview
iTunes: About iOS backups

If you have the backup in iTunes on a computer, there are third party programs that may be able to extract your photos from that backup file. Be careful not to overwrite it by syncing again.
connie1105 said:
Ok thanks.

Be aware, also, that you are not moving anything anywhere when you 'move' a picture into an album. You are actually only changing some information about it.

So, 'moving' a photo into an album adds a sorting label to the filing system. It doesn't move it anywhere. It doesn't copy it. It doesn't duplicate it. It just changes the label.

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