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Lyric Storer App


iPF Noob
Hey. I was wondering if i can pick your brains. I just want an App that can store and access lyrics which I can just copy and paste in. Dont need an internet lyric base to download from. Ive got all my lyrics written in folders and i just want to digitize then onto my phone.

Anyone know a free iphone app that simply does this?

What format are the lyrics in?

Sounds like all you need is a good notes app. The built in Notes app is decent, and might be enough. There are others with more features and search capabilities.
Hi. Cheers for the reply. its just in text format ive copied of the net. Notes is ok but it would be nice t have an app that has alphabetical categories as well as song, artist categories. nothing too complicated
It would be fairly easy to set this up in Evernote. Even the free tier should be enough, as long as you don't need access to the lyrics when offline. It offers both folder and tags, along with a powerful search engine that makes the first two almost unnecessary.

If it has any downside it is that it is so powerful that it might take a bit to figuer out how you want to use it.

These days I use Notes for all my quick notes and immediate projects, then export the ones I want to keep permanently to Evernote for archival.

There are a lot of note apps out there with just about any set of features you could desire, but I don't have any personal experience with them. I think the key is going to be whether they have good action extentions that let you add new notes easily. Both Notes and Evernote do.

As a side note, apparently iOS 9.3 will include some new features for the Notes app, including some new sort options. And you can already search Notes, which kind of solves the artist/author organization.

Good luck.
There aren't a lot of great apps out there that don't require iOS 8 or higher. A lot of really useful features were added, and all the best app developers left older iOS versions behind ot support them. The best Notes apps are all going to offer extentions that let you save notes without having to leave the browser or app you are already in. You can't do that pre-iOS 8. Pre iOS 9, I don't even recommend the built in Notes app.

Anyway, if that is what you're stuck with, then your workflow will be to copy lyrics in one app (Safari probably), then open the notes app to paste them. In that case organizaton and searchability is probably going to triumph any other consideration. FormConnect might be worth looking at. It's a form based database tool.

Plusses: You can create a form with fields like Author, Date, Artist, or Genre and organize/search using them.

Minuses: You'll need to create your own custom form. Not difficult, but some learning involved. Eventually if/when you want to move to another app exporting won't be as simple as moving a bunch of text files.

Given the limitation, you might also want to look at some text editing apps, not just notes apps. Many of these have good organization tools, and powerful searches. The only one I have right now that is iOS 7 compatible is Daedalus Touch; an interesting app that take a different approache to text documents. Since it will save documents to several cloud services (like DropBox), it's quite flexible; but it's organization method may not be what you are looking for.

I'm afraid that's all I can offer.

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