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make ipad mini wifi use nokia S60 GPS?


iPF Noob
I have an ipad mini wifi version. No 3G or GPS function.
I was searching for a GSP device to connect to my ipad mini when I read that it is possible for the ipad to use the gps hardware of a mobile phone.
I have a Nokia N97 mini, S60, and this is specifically mentioned to work on S60 phones.

So ...
I downloaded xgps on my ipad mini. It says that it unlocks the ipad mini to use any GPS receiver.
I downloaded extgps on my N97 mini. It sais it unlocks the GPS receiver from my S60 phone for use by another device, such as computer.

However, I can't get my N97 paired with my ipad mini. Ipad tells me the device is not supported (thank you Apple).

How do I make the ipad with xgps talk to the GPS receiver of the N97 with extgps? I have the pieces, I don't seem to be able to fit them together for them to work.

Can anyone help? I sure hope so! Thanks in advance.

P.S. Wasn't sure where to post this question, so put it in the general discussion. To admins, feel free to move if another subforum is more appropriate!
Solution found to have idevices use symbian S60 GPS!

Searching, and searching, and searching ...
Stumbled on an article titles: Btstack GPS vs. RoqyBT4
some more searching and, here is how to:

Get RoqyBT4 on your idevice
Disable bluetooth on ipad, enable bluetooth on S60 phone, launch RogyBT4
Get extgps on you symbian S60 phone and launch it
Pair RogyBT4 with the symbian S60 phone

You're all set.

It may also work with BTstack GPS. Didn't try. Hope this helps others (I spent about 7 hours searching ...)

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