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"Malaysia Today" joints Wikileaks: The Global Intelligence Files("今日大馬"參與揭露全球情報檔案真相)


iPF Novice
這兩天,頭條除了iPad 3, iPad 版權,還有維基解密:全球情報檔案(Wikileaks: The Global Intelligence Files)。

1. Al Akhbar - Lebanon;
2. Al Masry Al Youm - Egypt;
3. Bicol - Bulgaria;
4. CIPER - Chile;
5. Dawn Media - Pakistan;
6. L' Espresso - Italy
7. La Repubblica - Italy;
8. La Jornada - Mexico;
9. La Nacion - Costa Rica
10. Malaysia Today - Malaysia;

11. McClatchy - United States;
12. Nawaat - Tunisia;
13. NDR/ARD - Germany;
14. Owni - France;
15. Pagina 12 - Argentina;
16. Plaza Publica - Guatemala;
17. Publico.es - Spain;
18. Rolling Stone - United States;
19. Russia Reporter - Russia;
20. Ta Nea - Greece;

21. Taraf - Turkey;
22. The Hindu - India;
23. The Yes Men - Bhopal Activists ;
24. Sunday Star-Times - New Zealand.


與此同時,2012年2月27日的北京新浪網 的一篇文章:苹果iPad禁售令暫解除 誰家歡喜誰家愁, 指出"苹果與深圳唯冠的几番"過招"後,雙方已逐漸把重心從一開始苹果與哪個"唯冠"(深圳唯冠和台灣唯冠)簽署了商標轉讓權利,逐漸轉移至深圳唯冠是否在具有知情權的情況下與苹果簽署了協議。"


1) 苹果iPad禁售令暫解除 誰家歡喜誰家愁
2). WikiLeaks: The Global Intelligence Files
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