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Max Payne Coming to iOS April 12


iPadForums News Team

Rockstar Games is continuing to make old-school gamers very happy with another port of a classic PC and console game to iOS. The Verge reports that Rockstar has announced that Max Payne: Mobile will be storming its way onto the App Store with twin guns blazing on April 12. Apparently the new iOS version of the classic game that even spawned a movie will include all the action of the original 2001 offering, as well as spruced up graphics and Social Club compatibility. The player will also have the opportunity to customize the touch controls. Rockstar has already proved that they know how to port their beloved games over to iOS devices with their various iOS Grand Theft Auto ports, so this will hopefully be just as faithful to the original Max Payne. According to Shack News, the game will run on all versions of the iPad, and it will also run on the iPhone 3GS as well as the iPhone 4 and 4S, and the iPod touch 4.

Source: Max Payne comes to iOS April 12th, Android April 26th | The Verge

Max Payne Mobile coming to iOS and Android - Shacknews.com - Video Game News, Trailers, Game Videos, and Files

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