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Media Sources for Jailbroken Devices


iPF Noob

I'm hoping some of you will share the sources for media that you know of and/or use. I post it here because such things can be used in ways on a jailbroken device that they can't on a stock one.

I'm talking about movies, music, ebooks, pictures, other kinds of video and audio, documents, etc.. Also include any media or files that I didn't list that you use IYDM.

I mean both legally free AND paid sources.

Things such as websites, stores, etc..

For example I use iTunes for some media. I also use a software program called 123CopyDVD Gold to make backup copies of DVDs to use with my iPad. I also have utilized a legal online library to get care copies of PDF ebooks. I've also used the iBooks store and Barnes and Noble, etc.

Basically I'm just looking for sources of digital media available to download and use with my iPad that I don't already know of and have used.

I'll pitch in with a suggestion for books. The Gutenberg Project is a repository for out of copyright books, and, in fact, many of their titles are available in the iTunes store as free downloads.

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