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Microsoft Project on IPad


iPF Noob
Are there any apps that allow you to edit (not just read) MS Project .mpp files? I've searched and can't seem to find any.

Thanks - sluggo337
Yes, I've used SG Project Pro at work, however the MS Project support (export / import via XML) really isn't good enough for my needs. I rely so much on desktop MS Project that anything less than compatibility with mpp files for me is no good. YMMV.
The prior post mirrors my experience. SG's ability to seamlessly work with MS Project files is not ready for primetime. I've also found no other applications that work with the iPad that allow editing of Project files.

It seems like an application that is begging to be written.

Microsoct Project on iPad Gantt Lite

Hi Guys,

I havent tried SG Pro but there this app Gantt Lite(free) and Gantt Pro(paid) which lets you export your ms project plans to iPhone and iPad. Currently they do not have an editing feature, however this app lets you add/edit task notes to every task in your plan.

They have also come up with a gAppServer plugin which enables you to access your plans directly from your project server.

Update: I found Project Planning Pro for iPad - Lets you create new plans or import existing Microsoft Project Plans. Though it requires XML conversion. It scores over other apps for me as it maintains task relationships I have created in MS Project very well. Other apps break the relationship.
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Microsoft Project Viewer

Free MS Project viewer for iPhone and iPad.
1. Make a free Dropbox account
2. Make a free email for Dropbox! SendToDropbox - Email files to your Dropbox!
3. Forward email to your sendtodropbox account with MS Project as attachment,
4. Using free iProject Viewer app to open the attachment from Dropbox attachment folder
Are there any apps that allow you to edit (not just read) MS Project .mpp files? I've searched and can't seem to find any.

Thanks - sluggo337
I heard that Microsoft software office can be installed into iPad,I know that we can use iwork to do our work,but I think office is also a good choice,in fact, I have not used office on iPad,I use iwork,but I want to try the office on the iPad,you can have a try!

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