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Mini Newbie


iPF Novice
Hi. I am not small but my iPad Mini is. I've been using a desktop for probably 30 years and a Nook for three. I transitioned to the Mini last week since the Nook looks like it's being phased out and because we're going to all Apple. My husband, giradman, is an experienced iPad user and a frequent correspondent on IPF. I'm really liking the Mini. I can run my whole life without even getting out of bed in the morning. If only it could cook and clean house!

Hello Suenc!

I know your husband, Giradman very well and yes, he is quite helpful! Congrats on your Mini!

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Welcome to the iPad Forums, suenc, the largest and best iPad forum anywhere, with over 282,000 members worldwide. Many of our membership volunteer their time to help their fellow members with answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. If a search of the forums doesn't provide the answer you need, don't hesitate to post your question in the appropriate forum. We ask that all members take the time to review the Forum rules before posting.
Hi Dear - welcome back to the forum! :) I forgot that you had joined when we bought the iPad 2 - guess that I stole it away & you bought the Nook!

Well, enjoy the Mini - should quickly replace your Nook once all of your books are read - if no one can solve your 'ringing' issue, I'll take another look - hubby!
Hi Dear - welcome back to the forum! :) I forgot that you had joined when we bought the iPad 2 - guess that I stole it away & you bought the Nook!

Well, enjoy the Mini - should quickly replace your Nook once all of your books are read - if no one can solve your 'ringing' issue, I'll take another look - hubby!

How sweet is that!! :)
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

How nice to have you here! Giradman is very experienced and very helpful here on the Forum which we do so appreciate. Congrats on your Mini, I have one as well and just love it!

3 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.


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