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Mirror ipad over wifi?

No, and I don't think there will be one in the near future.

I was trying to find this myself. You can find computer programs that will let you AirPlay to the Mac (and maybe Windows), but not mirror. Not surprisingly the developer of the program I was interested in has been buried under requests for mirroring support.

According to their FAQ page mirroring uses Apples proprietary FairPlay encryption, and they don't have access to any API's that would let them tap into it.

And that is why this wildly popular feature is limited to AppleTV or an HDMI cable, durn it all.

I'd love to learn different.
Connect your iPad to iTunes using a USB cable.
Once connected, go to the summary page for your iPad.
Scroll down and check the option for "Sync this iPad over Wifi"
Abbass said:
Connect your iPad to iTunes using a USB cable.
Once connected, go to the summary page for your iPad.
Scroll down and check the option for "Sync this iPad over Wifi"

How will this allow him to mirror his iPad?

The Archangel
So if I buy the cable Apple Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store Retail (Canada) to plug into my tv, it will mirror apps like netflix? Or is is only some things it will mirror? Also, does anyone know if I can plug it into a pc? My TV's hdmi ports are already used by a playstation and a media centre pc

I don't know the details of mirroring. Just the general facts. It requires an iPad 2 with iOS 4 4.3.x for cable based mirroring using the HDMI (Digital AV Adaptor). iOS 5 will let you wirelessly mirror with Apple TV. There is hardware that you can use to stream and copy both HDMI and AV to computers, and I've seen demos of this on YouTube. AV mirroring is likely to be a bit of a disappointment for anything but video, as the iPad's screen can't be reproduced in it's full resolution.

I have none of the hardware, so it's all just what I've read. You'll have to do your own research for you own stuff or see if one of the other members notices the thread and chimes in.

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