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Mirror’s Edge for iPad Review


iPF Noob
Mirror’s Edge for iPad Review: It’s Damn Worth The Wait!

April 12, 2010
by Dan Morgan

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Though there have been a few setbacks to this game (we think it’s been pushed to wait for the iPad in truth), the patience definitely paid off multitudes.
Mirror’s Edge for iPad ($12.99)
Mirror’s Edge for iPad will surprise everyone even the most doubtful fans who are against the franchise receiving an iPad treatment. The graphics are luscious and the system was abused for the greatest Mirror’s Edge experience it can deliver.

In case you have not already noticed, Mirror’s Edge iPad is nothing like the console version and has more of a sidescroller angle to it, unlike the first person view of the console. Graphically, it’s a winner. The animation are very fluid and detailed. Faith can go from running, sliding, kicking, or rolling quite quickly and smoothly.
Whenever you are near a cop, the game zooms in, and that’s when you can see just how detailed the graphics are. If you’ve ever played the console version you will recognize the police, and you’ll recognize the move Faith pulls off by dis-arming them and knocking them down (you can even see the gun drop).
You control Faith by swipes. Swipe in the direction you want to start running to begin, and then swipe in the direction of the action you want (like up for jumping, down for sliding, etc.). With the cops in the later levels, you learn some combat controls. These are kept pretty simple yet effective.
Slide down to slide and knock them down, when in the air swipe in the direction they are in to kick, or swipe in the direction you are running right before you reach them to disarm them. Though the controls are simple, I wouldin’t have them any other way, they work perfectly.
Those who have played the console version will probably recognize some of the locations (like the sewers for the water pipes level). The iDevice version is simplified, which is probably my only complain with it. I was pretty surprised that the story mode is pretty short, lasting about 1, maybe 2 hours of gameplay for the story mode.
After you finish the story mode you can go back into speed run mode and see h0w fast you can compete a level, and then upload to the leaderboards to compete. There’s also a pretty cool multiplayer mode, which although I haven’t had a chance to play with seems pretty cool. Like a lot of iPad games it’s split screen multiplayer, where players can race against each other, and apparently even fight each other. It’s a pretty cool feature, which I’m liking on all iPad games.
It’s a shame that such a good game goes to waste. Like I said above, it’s a great game but the short amount of levels kills it. I’d love to see more levels, maybe some time trial levels. Anything that will make the gameplay longer and add replay value. Also, is it just us or the Facebook support feature they said they’ve implemented is no where to be found.
I’m liking Mirror’s Edge for iPad, but I have to warn you, it’s pretty short. If you’re a fan of the series, you should check it out. And if it looks remotely interesting to you grab it now at $13, when the price goes up I’m not sure I can recommend it with the current amount of gameplay.

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