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Missing file warning using Cydia


iPF Novice
I keep getting the below text almost everytime I download from Cydia. What does it really mean? I've checked for the requested file in iFile and, yes, it's there alright... The only difference is that the file on disc has a small 'h' instead of a capital one ('H')...

Ah, but the iPad is really, really picky about letter cases. Really picky. It will see that H and the other h as two completely different things.

I don't know what tweak you are trying to download, but I would suggest you contact the developer and ask him/her to take a look at their naming system or file. 'Cause you don't want to change your iPad ... they're the one who's got the wrong naming going on.

Well, Mickey, the message hits me more or less constantly... But I figured it had something to do with what you mentioned... My downloads seems to work, though, so maybe I needn't worry? You think one could change the file name? Maybe create a duplicate and name it with a capital 'H'? Or will that s***w the iOS up, do you think?

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