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Missing "Show all open tabs" icon in Safari

Hello, I recently purchased an iPad 2 running iOS 5, and a friend of mine with the same device and OS has a 5th option on his safari menu bar, whereas I only have 4, being: back, forward, bookmarks, and the "add to bookmarks" icon. He however has an icon after the "add to bookmarks" arrow, that being a cascade/show all open browser windows icon. How do I unlock this feature?
I am having the same problem. Any ideas?

I have turned off and then restarted the iPad without success, though I have not 'rebooted' it yet.
Sounds like a jailbreak feature. I've never seen this on a stock iPad.

To learn more about jailbreaking go to the Hacking forum and read the top (sticky) threads.
Thanks for replying, twerppoet.

Hmm. I bought my iPad two weeks ago while traveling, and it was set up in the apple store. While still traveling, I know I had the ability to click a button on the top bar and see all of the windows I had open. There were up to 9 pages available to select between. When I returned to my home, I synched my iPad with my home computer, and though I did not notice it until a few days ago, now see that the same button does not exist to access additional open pages.

In the iPad User Guide, under "Opening Multiple Pages", the instructions tell me to tap the icon that looks like a square in front of another square. It is this icon that I cannot find, that was there before. The diagram in the User Guide is exactly what I am looking for. I just can't find it.

I did a Restore on my iPad this morning, but no change.

Any thoughts?
Thanks for replying, twerppoet.

Hmm. I bought my iPad two weeks ago while traveling, and it was set up in the apple store. While still traveling, I know I had the ability to click a button on the top bar and see all of the windows I had open. There were up to 9 pages available to select between. . .

Any thoughts?

Oh, now I understand.

That feature was replaced by the new tabs feature. You can now tap and hold on a link to choose open in Tab, or tap the plus button to the right of the tabs to open a new blank tab.

The new tab method is here by popular demand, but I'm sure some of us will miss some of the features of the old. BTW, tabs will stay open until you close them, even if you shut the iPad down. So you can use them similarly to the old method, though that would soon get rather crowded on the tab bar.

To get to older sites you will now have to use the History, or remember to bookmark them.
Ahhh. Thank you very much.

I am a fan of the tab system. I was thinking (hoping) I would be able to have multiple windows with tabs in each. Guess I'll have to discipline myself and learn to bookmark effectively. Oh well.

Again, thanks.

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