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Movies and shows


iPF Noob
Hello new to the forum,

I have an ipad 2, and would like to know if its possilbe and how to download shows or movies from online websites and upload them to my ipad. I have netflix and there awesome and all but there just limited to whats avablile. I appriechate all of the feedback.

also i know we all hate how apple doesnt allow flash or online streaming, are there any apps that are out there to make that happen. because then i wouldnt have to download the movies or shows. example i use ........ to stream online from a computer, but you cant do that from an ipad..


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Adobe is no longer developing flash for mobile devices, so the availability of flash videos is going to dwindle from here on. As far as videos are concerned, check out Hulu+, Amazon Instant Video, iTunes and YouTube.

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