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Moving photos to different album


iPF Noob
This might be dumb question, and I apologize if so, but is there a way to move some photos from one album in my iPad mini to another album. Or is there a way to direct photos to a specific album when I download them to the iPad ?
Please excuse my ignorance and thanks for any help!
This might be dumb question, and I apologize if so, but is there a way to move some photos from one album in my iPad mini to another album. Or is there a way to direct photos to a specific album when I download them to the iPad ? Please excuse my ignorance and thanks for any help!
Hi, PegoMan! Welcome to iPF!

There's no dumb question. :-)

To answer some of your questions:
You can't decide where your iPad puts the photos when you download them from your camera, or save them to the Photo app on your device from an email or a browser.

Photos you import to your iPad from a camera, will be shown in an extra album (Imported Photos & Videos/Last Import/All Imported), you'll also be able to see them sorted by date in one of these folders.
Pictures you save to your iPad using a browser, or from email, or an app that's allowed to access your Photo app, will store the photo in Camera Roll.

Somebody else will have to tell you how it works with iTunes (computer). I rarely use it, least of all for syncing photos, and I don't want to tell you something wrong.

In the Photo app, you can create different albums and add pictures from the app there. But: every photo that you add to an album, will appear in your Camera Roll, if it isn't already there. If you delete the picture from Camera Roll, it will also be removed from the album where you added it.

Hope that helps.
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JA is not quite right in saying you cannot save pictures from email messages. It is possible. Select the image, tap the curly arrow at the top of the screen and select save picture. However it will only be saved in the camera roll and you cannot change that.

This is a perennial problem. There is no easy way to do what you want to do.

However. If you have iTunes on your computer you should be able to synch your iPad, re-arrange the photos into different folders on the PC and then re-synch. At least I think that is the theory. A bit of experiment on these lines may solve your problem.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Just a question. How did the pictures first get onto the iPad ? If they came originally from your PC then surely the iPad folders would be the same as on the PC. Did you in fact synch from your PC ?

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
To fill the bit about using iTunes on a computer.

Basically you can sync a folder, or a folder of folders from your PC (the secondary folders become albums, one level only). All rearrangement of photos synced this way must be done in the folders on the PC (or Mac) and then re-synced before changes happen on the iPad.

iTunes: Syncing photos

Most people who want to manage mange photo albums on the iPad end up getting a third party app like Photo Manager Pro. There are dozens of these app, many of which are specialized for particular needs; family photo albums, professional portfolios, etc.

Another option: If you have iCloud and don't mind a little extra work, you can use Shared Photo Streams to create albums. You don't have to actually share them. Unlike the basic Photo Stream, these albums are not temporary, and they will sync between all devices that use the same iCloud account (and have Shared Photo Stream turned on).

Since you are actually creating copies for the shared albums, you'll need to delete photos from the camera roll (or imported album) after you've placed them in the shared album. That's the extra work.

The main advantage of doing it this way is that the photos remain available to other apps for emailing, sharing, including in documents, etc. Photos that are in a third party photo management app need to be copied back to the Camera Roll in the Photos app before they can be used by other apps.

Photo Stream FAQ
iCloud: My Photo Stream FAQ

Shared Photo Stream FAQ
iCloud: Shared Photo Streams FAQ

While Shared Photo Streams are permanent, well, as permanent as any online account, I do not recommend trusting important photos solely to iCloud. Actually, I don't recommend trusting any file to just one place or device, especially to a mobile device. Be sure you make a habit of saving all your photos to another computer or a second online photo site; both for the ones you really don't want to lose.

Good luck.
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