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MultiIconMover & FolderEnhancer


Staff member
Here are two tweaks from Cydia's standard repository. They are definitely something that should have come stock with the iPad!

MultiIconMover (FREE): Move multiple SpringBoard icons at a time

You know how annoying it is to move. one. icon. at. a. time? Well, with MultiIconMover, you simply select the icons you wish to move, scroll to the page you want them and press the home button. Ta da! They all move - at once. One thing: you cannot move icons in and out of folders with just this tweak alone.

However, if you have FolderEnhancer (described below), you can move multiple icons into and out of folders. If you like to rearrange your icons, this tweak's for you.

There is no Settings for this tweak; it does what it does a-l-l by itself.

FolderEnhancer ($1.99 USD): Enhance iOS 4's native folders! Open folders faster - create multiple pages of icons inside of folders - create folders inside of folders - create folders directly on the dock - supports Iconoclasm for custom layouts inside of folders - extends MultiIconMover to allow moving multiple icons into/out of folders - options include hiding the folder name and wallpaper, as well as disabling animations.

The above is the description in Cydia - and FolderEnhancer sure enhances folders! There are many extras in this tweak, accessible in the Settings app (see photos). I like the option where I can either have any solid color background or have a transparent background (so I can see my homescreen wallpaper).

In addition, you can change the color of the folder border and of the text label. Another nice touch is you can set the folders to close once you launch an app. So, when you are done, closing the app returns you to the homescreen, not the folder. Oh, and you can create folders right on your dock. No more moving icons around, putting them in folders and then putting them on the dock. One step!

There are many ways to set up FolderEnhancer to, well, enhance your experience. There are also Advanced and Experimental options, both of which I've not needed (wanted?) to use.

Both tweaks worked fine on my iPad1 running iOS 4.2.1 and they continue to work great now that I've upgraded to iOS 4.3.3.

As with my overview of Infiniboard and Infinidock, these two tweaks are hard to describe with just words and pictures. So, here's another video:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcwz5Aa2SsI"]YouTube - ‪MultiIconMover & FolderEnhancer‬‏[/ame]

Happy modding!



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Multiiconmover works well, but it does not let me to move icons inand out of folders. Qre you sure it should do that?
Multiiconmover works well, but it does not let me to move icons inand out of folders. Qre you sure it should do that?

Choose the multiple icons you want to move...open the desired folder while the icons are still in wiggle mode and the press the home key once....waaallaaa...the chosen icons should now be in the folder.

Hope that helps...
Thanks, I have tried that with no good results.

I do exactly that to move the icons from one screen to other, but it does not work to move them into a folder for some reason :(
It does not move icons into stock folders on your iPad2.
It will move them into the "FolderEnhancer" folders through...
Get you! One last question. I installed another tweak that let me create folders within folder but had to uninstall it because when I connected to itunes the apps where all over the place ( I do not remember the name now ).

Do you know if this folder enhancer tweak will cause a similar effect?

Thanks a lot and, by the way, great work moderating the jb2 threads. I can see it was very hard work for all of you mods!
Once you install any tweak that messes with your springboard layout and folders you lose the ability to manage the layout in iTunes. You need to manage them manually on the device. It's the price you pay for enhancements! :)
Alright, so I just installed FolderEnhancer and it blew up all my existing folders, so that all my icons are all over the place (and only half show up since I am way beyond11 screens' worth of apps).

Is that normal? A little advance warnign would have been nice by the developer... :(
Alright, so I just installed FolderEnhancer and it blew up all my existing folders, so that all my icons are all over the place (and only half show up since I am way beyond11 screens' worth of apps).

Is that normal? A little advance warnign would have been nice by the developer... :(

It happened to me as well. I guess this is where MultiIconMover comes into play. :p
One thing I noticed yesterday (first time I hooked up the iPad to iTunes since installing FolderEnhance) is that the screenshots in iTunes do not reflect the app arrangement on the iPad anymore. So you would not be able to rearrange your icons and move them between screens on the computer anymore.

I guess that was to be expected, if you really thought about it...
One thing I noticed yesterday (first time I hooked up the iPad to iTunes since installing FolderEnhance) is that the screenshots in iTunes do not reflect the app arrangement on the iPad anymore. So you would not be able to rearrange your icons and move them between screens on the computer anymore.

I guess that was to be expected, if you really thought about it...

Didn't I just say that a few posts back? :p

f4780y said:
Once you install any tweak that messes with your springboard layout and folders you lose the ability to manage the layout in iTunes. You need to manage them manually on the device. It's the price you pay for enhancements!

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