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Music tags are garbled on iPad


iPF Noob
I'm quite new to iPad. I wanted to play music on it. I have a few songs on my PC which are partially on English and partially Russian. On PC I could read the name of songs right i.e. some of them have Latin and some Cyrillic characters.
I copied all my songs and pasted it in iTunes music folder. After that I could see all my songs in Music application of iPad. But I can't read any characters of song tags i.e. they all are garbled like you see when it's not right encoding.
Could someone pls explain me what should I do to see both Latin and Cyrillic characters on Music app right?
Ouch! I'm not sure it can be done. The International settings will let you change the entire iPad's language, but it would probable just reverse the problem.

I doubt it will help, but try adding a Cryllic keyboard in Setting > General > Keyboard.
Ciryllic keyboard didn't make a differense.
On both my android devices I use music player PowerAmp. It has the option for different encoding and it allows me to read both Latin and Ciryllic characters.
Unfortunately PowerAmp is not supported for iPad.
Maybe someone knows about music player which has option for vaious encoding?
When Apple rewrote the iPod app and named it Music, they seem to have stripped it down; and failed to add a lot of stuff back in. It could be as simple as the font they are using not containing the full unicode character set. That seems the most likely to me, since almost every other part of the iPad has no trouble displaying other languages.

Not that this helps you much. The only other player I use is OPlayer; for stuff the standard apps won't play. Since it won't work with the iTunes library that's no help.

Hopefully someone else will chime in with a more helpful solution.

Or if you find one on your own, please let us know.
Well your reply is perfect and clear as usual :)
But how about OPlayer? I don't play music from urines. I only use it to transfer my music to opodsh. Well will it recognize Unicode character hers?
Sorry. I don't know the answers to any of that.

I only use it for the occasional audio or video file I receive via email, those that won't work in the standard apps. If it turns out I really want the file I generally find a way to convert or get it in a more compatible format. Since I bolloxed the transfer of stuff from my iPad 2 to the new iPad, I don't have any files in the app right now.

There are probably better apps out there. I just never had reason to go looking for them, and don't remember coming across any good reviews.

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