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Music will pause on its own and disappearring


iPF Noob
Yesterday I bought the Beatles Anthology and since then my iPad had acted up.

1. All the songs including songs I purchased before the Beatles Anthology disappeared from the iPad. I would resync the songs and they would all return. Then the next time I listened to music, either all the songs would disappear or some. As I travel a lot and am usually not able to sync my music, this situation is disconcerting. This did not happen before I bought the anthology. Btw all the music on the iPad was purchased from iTunes store.

2. When playing music, the player pauses on it's own every 20-60 seconds. it doesn't matter if it's Bluetooth headphones, airplay, internal speaker, external speakers or wired headset. Again this did not happen pre Beatles.

Any ideas or solutions?

And now when I click on iPod or videos, it's just a blank (black) display. Nothing. Just black. I've tried rebooting when I lost music. Will reboot again.


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