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Must-have Accessories


iPF Noob
I have a new iPad3 on-order from the Apple store. In the meantime I thought I would check out accessories for it. Anybody care to offer their view on what you consider musthave accessories? I am looking for suggestions regarding screen protection, keyboards, cases or protectors, etc. Any specific brands you recommend?

Thanks in advance.
A skin for the back....then a case to put it in. Get a screen protector if you so desire.

Icarbons.com is one place to get a skin.

I like the Garrison by body guards for a folio case. Your tastes may run different, though.

I like the air stash a02 for extra storage.

A Bluetooth keyboard comes in handy....but you have to decide what type you want. Some are separate and will work with other devices, while others are iPad specific in that they somehow mate up with the iPad to look like a case.

I like avplayerhd for wireless transfer of movie to the iPad and to play various formats.

A Dropbox account or similar cloud storage is suggested.

The GoodReader app is also suggested.
get a cheap folio case on Amazon and use it for sometime before you invest in more expensive accessories.
Get the Padlette! padlette.com You'll love it. You can place it face down on a flat surface, easy to handle one handed, and you
don't need to alter your iPad in any way to use it. I haven't taken mine off since I got it.
Get the Padlette! padlette.com You'll love it. You can place it face down on a flat surface, easy to handle one handed, and you
don't need to alter your iPad in any way to use it. I haven't taken mine off since I got it.

This is soo neat! I'm ordering one right now. My new ipad is always feeling like it may slip out of my hands and this is the perfect accessorie.
Thanks for sharing.

A recliner and a hands-free iPad stand. Took me ages to find a comfy recliner that doesn't look like a recliner. And it took even longer to look for an attractive hands-free stand before I gave up and bought one; it's not attractive, but I can roll it into a closet when I don't want it in plain sight.

I also love my Jambox Bluetooth speakers (I have two).

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