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My Apple ID got hacked, what do I do now?

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iPF Noob
I received an email from apple saying that my email address, password, billing address, and credit card info on my Apple ID account had been changed. At first I was thinking this was a bogus email until I tried to log into my account (directly from apple's website, not through any links in the email). The email is correct and I am completely locked out of my account. I tried to reset the password but the verification email never comes (because the email on file with the account was changed). I went through itunes support and sent them an email, so now I'm just waiting to hear back. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do next?

Thanks for any help!
There's nothing you can do until apple get in touch and access your account....as you don't have the password. Then once you've convinced them that you are who you say you are, then they will create a new password for you. From there on in it's up to you to keep that password safe....don't tell anyone!
Keep an eye on the credit card account and make sure they did not take advantage to purchase anything. Unlikely if they had to change the CC information, but keep an eye on it anyway.

Might not be a bad idea to freeze the account and order a new credit card, hassle that this can be.
If its i tunes you are dealing with, i can say i had good experience dealing with itunes staff, the email response was prompt, helpful and over all very confidence inspiring. Hopefully you will have the same treatment as i had in such a terrible time. Good luck, very scary and annoying thing to happen.

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2
Thanks to everyone that replied! I got a response from iTunes asking me to prove who I was by providing my billing address and what my last purchases on the account were, no problem I thought.

I sent the info to iTunes and got another response saying my billing address "didn't quite match". I responded saying I figured that was going to happen because that info had just been changed by the person that hacked into my account. This was last night and I still haven't heard back.

This morning I get up, go through my routine, and do a quick check of my email before I go to work. There a bunch of receipt emails from iTunes. I start going through them and I think I figured out what happened. All of the receipts are for gift cards, starting at $5 and going up to $100. The billing address is my address with a different city and state. The credit card info (*********xxxx) doesn't match any cards I have. It appears someone was running stolen card numbers through my account, but didn't get my card number.

This afternoon I was going through the account info on my iPad and I was able to reset my password by requesting a verification email, which came right away. I went into my account and it appears all of my info was changed back to what it should be. The only strange part is when I try to check the purchase history, i get a reply saying "this account has not been used with iTunes in the past".

I have not idea what actualy happened, if Apple took over, or the thief changed things back, but now I have control of my account again. I'm curious to see if I ever get a reply back from iTunes.
I'd certainly be sending another email asking what had happened, as the true account holder you are entitled to an explanation! If only for if any repercussions occur from it in the future.
Keep us informed on any feedback, I'm interested in how this pans out!!
Got an email this morning too, about an app that was purchased but not on a device that I own. I had about $12 in credit and the bugger stole most of it.

I dont know how he got my password and details but I did not put any credit card info onto my account so at least I am safe there. I have multiple devices, 2 Macbooks, iPhone, iPad etc and it could be any one of those devices that may have been compromised. I had also been using them on public wifi networks as well so this could be the reason.
Same thing is happening to me. Got an email this morning saying my account had been changed. I tried to sign on but error message came up saying wrong ID or password. So I went to Apple and tried to contact tech support. I couldn't log in, obviously. Soooo I thought I'd call them. The first person told me I would have to purchase support for $70. I laughed at them and asked to speak to a supervisor. She said the supervisor would tell me the same thing, but I insisted. Then she says she can't connect me to a supervisor because there were none on the floor. So I called again and some one said they'd send me a link which was the same webpage I'd tried. Well i called 6 more times before a nice operator walked me through he steps to send an email which I did and am now awaiting response.
How did you contact Apple?

I have found myself in the same predicament, I can't figure out how to contact apple. Please help.
i dont keep a credit card in my account,i feel safer using iTunes gift cards,on the odd occasion i do use a credit card such as downloading Mountain Lion i delete the credit card info after.
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