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My first, obligatory Post.


iPF Noob
Well, here goes ... again! I tried to make this post using my iPad and everything got wiped out. Obviously user error, I will learn eventually.

Computers and I go back a ways. Not as much as some but more than most. My first encounter with computer circuitry was about 1965 or 1966 when I was in training to repair specific circuitry which included some new fangled logic circuits.

My first experience with actual computers came in 1974, my second semester in college, when I took a required Programming In FORTRAN IV course. I've been addicted ever since.

My first computer was an Apple ][ with 48 KB RAM and dual 140 KB single-sided 5 1/4" floppy drives. I used to keep an OS disk in drive 1 and data disk in drive 2. I recently gave it away but still have my Apple ][e with 768 KB RAM and a 20 MB hard drive easily at least 10 times the size of my new iPad2.

I also have various WinTel machines because I got out of Apples and into PCs because that is where people needed help. I've finally had enough and have decided to try to relearn the Apple way.

I also still have an original 512 KB Mac and harassed the tech at the Apple store by bringing it in so he could transfer all my software from it to my new Mac. Needless to say, I was told by the (other) techs that they loved the joke. :D I think what really clued him in was that I also took in a mag tape and some punch cards for the data transfer.

Ah well, enough for history. From the above, you should be able to tell I enjoy jokes but I enjoy puns even more. When teaching, I used to PUNish my students unmercifully. Most of them survived.

If you want to learn anything else, you will have to ask but I won't guarantee an answer. ;)
Good to hear from you. You’ll find a whole bunch of iPad enthusiasts in this Forum who are only too willing to help other iPad owners and to hear of their experiences. Don’t be afraid to post any questions you may have or use the ‘Search’ button near the top of the Forum web page. I usually find I discover one new interesting and useful piece of information about my iPad every day - and often not even what I was looking for!!

Hope to hear from you soon with your thoughts about the iPad.

Have fun and enjoy your iPad

I remember Fortran fondly too - though my first computer language was Atlas Autocode....

If you don’t already have it you can download a copy of the iPad manual for free.

Apple - Support - Manuals

Please read the rules too!!


OK, first question:

When using the iPad, how can I reply to a post? I had to switch to my iMac to reply because I couldn't find any Quote or Reply button on the iPad screen.
viningc said:
OK, first question:

When using the iPad, how can I reply to a post? I had to switch to my iMac to reply because I couldn't find any Quote or Reply button on the iPad screen.

If you are in the IPF app, it's the blue down arrow in the post title on the right or reply to thread is the White arrow top right.

The Archangel
Are you using the iPF app or accessing the ipadforums.net site via Safari? I don't use the app, but on Safari I see a Post Reply button - at the top, above the first message in a thread and at the bottom, beneath the last message in a thread. In addition, each individual post has a 'Quote' button beneath it - so that the contents of a post can be included in a reply - useful if you want to reply to a post that's not the last in a thread - and an edit button, that enables you to edit your own post after you've posted it - perhaps adding additional information to avoid multiple postings, or correcting mistakes that you make

Gabriel1 said:
If you are in the IPF app, ...

Aha! Thanks, I'm pecking out my reply here on the iPad. I had tried the blue down arrow but for some reason the word "quote" just didn't register.

... I don't use the app, but on Safari ...

Thanks Tim but I was having trouble with the App. Everything is easily visible when using a full browser. Now, with Gabriel1's response, I won't hesitate to browse using my iPad when away from my home office. :)
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