I was playing a game of soduku, when all of a suddenthe ipad froze. No matter what I press or tap, nothing gives.
According to the manual and what I gathered from other websites:
1. Press the home button and hold: No reponse
2. Press the ON button and hold: No response
3. Press them both together and hold: No response
I tried to let the battery drain, hoping it would turn off, but didnt help.
Now I need help from real Apple gurus.
Thanks in advance
According to the manual and what I gathered from other websites:
1. Press the home button and hold: No reponse
2. Press the ON button and hold: No response
3. Press them both together and hold: No response
I tried to let the battery drain, hoping it would turn off, but didnt help.
Now I need help from real Apple gurus.
Thanks in advance