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My Jailbroken iPad is vulnerable to the shellshock exploit.


iPF Novice
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
New York
Not sure if this belongs in the hacking section - Mods, feel free to move this somewhere else more appropriate:

On my iPad 4 Jailbroken on IOS 7.0.4, It appears that the system is vulnerable to the shellshock exploit. When SSHing into a terminal session, this command:

env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c 'echo this is a test'


this is a test

This command:

env X="() { :;} ; echo vulnerable" /bin/sh -c "echo stuff"



I've changed the root and mobile passwords for general security.

My question is: Is this a vulnerability in theory only, or can some malicious program or process actually take advantage of this?

Does being jailbroken make an iPad more vulnerable than stock iPads?


The only time you'll need to worry about ShellShock vuln is if you're using cracked/unsigned apps or packages, or using anything from developers that aren't vetted that may embed shell protocols. When you jailbreak your device and use Cydia packages and such, the packages already have root access as jailbreaking allows for root access so you're already "exposed". Assuming you're not using cracked/unsigned items, the only real threat would be if you're using a package that's actively using shell with bash, which in this age of jailbreaking, is next to none.

Here's what Saurik has to say. You may understand him better than the way I'm explaining it since I'm working off of other sources and am currently wired as hell from coffee brewed with Red Bull instead of water.

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